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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Go on and say it then. :P I got a few accounts I could try it on..
  2. I think someone did before. For some reason I feel like smart used to? Maybe??
  3. I was going to make a legit reply to this topic, but then I realized how stupid it was. So all I have to say is
  4. ?? If you have to ask its probably shouldn't go in the script. Maybe be specific on your question if you have something in mind.
  5. Yes this movie is pretty damn good. I would recommend to anyone. ^_^
  6. But is it really worth 5-6m?
  7. Yea that seems a bit above what I would imagine price wise.
  8. Really? An account with nothing but 80 wc? Any idea how long that takes to bot?
  9. Every time i see a post from you all i see is:
  10. If you are intending to learn anything then I would suggest attempting this on your own. You can always have someone help you, or show you how to do it, but what you learn will be much less than if you struggle with it for hours and finally figure it out. Personally, if I never spent those hours struggling and trying to figure it out, then I would still struggle with those same types of problems today. I have experience in C and C++ so if you want to start and then post specific questions, people can help you out. What you are asking is not a good way to learn in my opinion. ^_^ Go battle it for a while and see what you can come up with. Google is your friend.
  11. If you use toilet seat covers it also reduces the splash alot. Like put one in the toilet. it really does
  12. When you say that do you mean programmatically or by manually looking at them? If your are planning to analyze the images programmatically then you will need to use some sort of image recognition.
  13. Not entirely. I'm on my phone so it's pretty difficult. :p You are trying to save the images to later identify what clue it's associated with right?
  14. Are you going to try and run image recognition on the images to determine which one it is? :facepalm:
  15. Yea man I second this. Making free scripts in the past, people just love to bitch about them. The problem is that free scripts and premium scripts seem to target dofferent audiences, i.e.people who are too cheap to spend 5 or 10 bucks love to complain about how shit the free script is. As though it's our duty to provide free shit for leechers. we have absolutely no responsibility to provide free scripts to this community. Just because we are the ones capable of making scripts, we should provide for those who ate uncapable? I think not. For our service we expect service in return. When you dump out free scripts you get nothing but a head ache of people complaining that it doesn't do this, it doesn't do that, it doesn't make my fucking bed for me in the morning, it doesn't do my homework for me. /rant over
  16. You didnt use omega and tell me how it was thats why
  17. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66671-masterrace-omega-task-scheduling-fishing-combat-woodcutting-cooking-mining-fletching-smithing/ If you are looking for a miner Omega has one. You can powermine or bank any ore that is supported there. ^_^
  18. Know what an edge weighted graph is and know how A* works. This is the basis of web walking, and in my opinion the minimum that you should understand before trying to make one. I created one about a year ago, it will take time, so don't think you will do this in a few days. If you have no pre-existing knowledge, this will likely take weeks.
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