I made a program to calculate the profit for alching all buyable items in osrs. This uses the osbuddy ge sell prices, not promising that you will get any items for these prices, but you can use it as a guide. I have used this to make a total of probably around 400k-500k and I only spend like 5 minutes alching to make that profit. I just put in buy offers for above what the sell price but low enough to make a good profit and I make some easy money while doing nothing.
Yesterday I got all of these, spent 2 minutes alching and made ~ 110k in those 2 minutes:
Anyway I just ran the program to calculate alch profits a minute ago, so here here is the new list:
This list includes anything that is >= -100 gp profit from alching.
Keep in mind that the profit value does take in to account the cost of a nat.
Good luck.