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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. I would be more concerned with doing an engine swap to get a v8 before throwing turbos in there, but thats just be.
  2. Well instead of guessing you could actually do the math. Say you have a 500 watt power supply. That means that the maximum power you can draw is 500 watts at any time. If you are constantly drawing 500 watts (hypothetically): You will pay around .10 usd per kwh for electricity, give or take a few cents. (500 watt power supply / 1000) = .5 kw If you draw .5kw for one hour, it will cost you (.5 kw * .10 usd / kwh) = .05 (usd / hour) This means that if you have a 500 watt power supply, the MAX that you can spend is 5 cents usd per hour while running your computer. On average, you will likely spend a fraction of this, maybe half. tl;dr: 500 watt power supply max cost is 5 cents usd per hour.
  3. Can only extend one class. If you want multiple inheritance you need to extend a class that extends a class that extends... you get it. Make another class Class Gui extends JFrame
  4. Wew just starting, I feel for you. I will be finished with my bachelor's in 4 more months, feels like I just started :p
  5. When you are mining, like cooking, there are breaks in animations while you are still mining. If you are only using isAnimating, then even though you are still mining, there will be a split second where isAnimating will return false, i.e. a break in the animation. Even though your player will continue mining after that split second break, the script will only know that the player is not animating, and it will try to interact again. You need to have some tracker to see how long you have been idle for. For example, only interact if you are idle for > 300 ms. Then if a animation break last 100 ms, the animation break will not trigger another interaction. If that makes sense.
  6. ah I didnt see the time of your post :p
  7. I believe that I wrote something about a year ago to do this in Matlab. If you want to send me the image I will see if I can find my code to deblur the image. No promises though, Im not sure where I put all of those old files.
  8. Ah I managed to remember the email! Thanks for the help anyway. ^_^
  9. Sorry I dont really play rs anymore. Do you know the email that they will respond to for things like this? Is there anything that I need to give them?
  10. I have an account that is like 10 years old I cant remember the email that is on it. Jagex blocks most of the email now so I cant even see what it is and i keep guessing wrong. I know there used to be a way to remove the email address without knowing the registered one. Is there still a way to do this? I have facebook registered to it and I know the rs account password. >.>
  11. When I clicked this i had high hopes. I have never been so disappointed in my life.
  12. Mysteryy


    U wanna go to fukin war lil gay boy
  13. Mysteryy


    Caps hurt my eyes
  14. I am not super experienced in 3d design or rendering, but I believe something similar to this happens. An object will have a model, this model will have a viewport/perspective based on where you are viewing it from. Based on this, rasterization will occur converting the image into pixles (a rastered image). All of this should be handled in the opengl pipeline or a similar 3d rendering process. And yes, that is the technique that I was thinking of. Here is an image similar to the one I was thinking of that demonstrates the technique running. As you see, the image starts larger, the red line represents the least cost path for that iteration (The pixels that are least noticeable) and then the pixels under the red line are removed.
  15. There are many different image scaling algorithms that exist. The goal is to remove pixels that have the least impact on the image in order to maintain the image quality. For example, if a very black pixel is directly touching many other pixels of a very similar color, that pixel will likely have a small cost when removed, so it may be a good candidate for removal. I seem to recall a pretty cool algorithm that I saw before which will find the shortest path through an image and then remove that path of pixels. This will basically remove a single path of pixels down the image which has a small cost, i.e. they will not be so noticeable when removed. If I remember what I am thinking of I will post the gif here. That is the general idea when scaling an image down. ^_^
  16. Well I hope you fixed it on your code. Not closing streams is a terrible habit and can result in unexpected behavior, especially since the stream isn't being flushed.
  17. Why don't I see a single .close() in this snippet?
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