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Everything posted by DeadVeng

  1. @Explv The range guild porton does not work.
  2. @Cloxygen Not bad, although I noticed an issue immediately. It always tries to remine the rock it just finished while its just an empty vein. Then it will try a different rock after it doesnt mine for a few seconds. Just seems unhuman to click the same rock it mined every time before going to another.
  3. @Eagle Scripts Could I try the trail on this please?
  4. Sounds awesome dude! Thank you. You think it could p2p fish as well? I noticed a lot of fishing scripts struggle distinguishing shark harpoon spots from swordfish spots though at places like Catherby. Im also looking for Agility, and possibly Woodcutting lol
  5. @Khaleesi Could I receive a trial for this script please?
  6. Ah well rip lol. Still pretty solid man. I'll check out your other scripts now because this one worked so well.
  7. Awesome! Glad to hear! Spectacular response time! lol. When will the new version be live?
  8. Anyone that is still unsure about this script after so long, I have been using it to almost 60 fishing with no issues at all. Solid script especially for being free. Awesome work @BravoTaco. My only issue is that it will run past the port sarim deposit box to bank in draynor village, deposits all the fish and gold and takes out 60 gold to go back through port sarim and back. Which isn't even that big of a deal, it would just be nice if it could recognize that there is plenty of gold and would just deposit the fish in the port sarim deposit box and go back to karamja.
  9. @ProjectPact Noticed a small bug with the Falconry. At least in mirror mode. When hunting spotted kebbits it would catch enough to fill the inventory except the last 2 spots. If you already have two slots of different items in your inv it will still leave 2 open spots at the end before it begins dropping the hides and bones. It just seems unhuman-like to fill your whole inv except 2 spots before you begin to drop every time. Not sure if this carries over to the dark kebbits as I cannot hunt them yet.
  10. @Czar Thanks a ton for the response! However when I wrote that it was late for me I totally meant the sandcrabs plugin. The rock crabs is fine for the most part lol. My apologies for that miscommunication. I do have auto-retaliate on. The sand crab plugin was either not working for me at all or it would go and attack 1 or 2 then after that it would keep right clicking and hitting walk here. Or it would just not move or anything for some reason on the same settings. After a few attempts after the post I did get it to run successfully for about 30 minutes until it just starting standing in place.
  11. Could I test out the trail for it please?
  12. DeadVeng

    Explv's Walker

    @Explv Love the script so far. Really useful. But can you add a tick box to choose whether or not you want it to run or walk? Most of the time I want to use my sprint once I get to the spot I am walking to, so having the bot use it up on the way there kinda hurts sometimes.
  13. @Czar The rockcrabs plugin needs some work. At least in mirror mode. It wasn't attacking properly. It would attack one, then after that it would right click them and select walk here every time instead of attack. P.S. Also a quick question. How do we set a safespot? Everytime I tried to while using a cannon it would just run near the cannon but not the spot where I started the script or anything. It would just stand there and let the hill giants attack me while it stood by the cannon. (This is unrelated from rockcrabs)
  14. Thats exactly what I meant. Im not sure why I said Karamja lol I meant the Port Sarim deposit box on the docks. xD
  15. @Tom Is the OSFisher able to distinguish shark harpoon spots from swordfish harpoon spots when they are next to each other at places like Catherby?
  16. @Czar Is the Perfect Fisher able to distinguish shark harpoon spots from swordfish harpoon spots when they are next to each other at places like Catherby? If so, could I please try out the trial?
  17. @Khaleesi Hi does this bank at the karamja deposit box by chance? If so, could I please give the trial a try?
  18. I am in mirror-mode lol. It is the safest way to use a client right? Glad to hear it's being fixed.
  19. @ProjectPact Is there anyway you can speed up the release time on butterflies? I tried with and without antiban on its still just as slow.
  20. Thank you very much for the reply man. The canonning is what I am looking for to level up ranged without so much hp exp for a stronger range/2h pure as a result.
  21. @Czar Is there anyway you could update the rockcrabs portion to include the cannon capabilities? It wasn't working for me for some reason whether i had the cannon tab setup or not.
  22. DeadVeng


    Here are the setting I had set up. I have no desire for the divine potions or anything like that just a simple cannoner at crabs. Doesnt even have to attack the crabs as long as it wakes them up and refills the cannon is all I need.
  23. DeadVeng


    @ez11 Unfortunately I couldnt get it to work for rock crabs. It would always run to the bottom of Rellekka unless I start there. But then it just would walk to which ever spot I chose, and just auto-retaliate against the other crabs there. If I started there and killed the agrro'd crabs it would just go wake up another and attack it with my knives i have equipped. It never made an attempt to set up the cannon for some reason. So I tried setting it up first but it just did the same thing and didnt acknowledge the cannon at all. I tried the setting to just afk on spot too. Also I had the food set to exactly what I had in my inventory and also without food at all still nothing. Just kinda fights the crabs without the cannon.
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