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Everything posted by Cliiqq

  1. can i try a trial of this please?
  2. Script works very well Cheers
  3. It works fine, You click start and then click on the rocks then they should highlight green
  4. Nice almost 24 hr proggy
  5. Very cool dude even let me try it out before i bought Very happy with this product and will continue to purchase
  6. na i tried removing it and re-added it to my scripts but its still gone
  7. where did this script go? it just disappeared off my list
  8. Thanks man I set it up and got it to work on Firefox but when I type proxychains Oldschool Runescaoe it can't find it,, Any idea how I run it for osrs client? Cheers
  9. Hey Guys I'm new to using a VPS so was just wondering if there's anything like proxifier for Ubuntu OS so I can use mirror mode with a proxy Any help is appreciated Thanks!
  10. Try the around your player option
  11. My first account has lasted over 24 hours so far and is still going! Awesome script Khal!
  12. Added you on discord, Would love to beta test for you
  13. Cliiqq

    Stealth NMZ

    My longest proggy I managed to get a screenshot of actually got further but my mirror mode crashed Almost 10m exp in one go, Nuts!!
  14. Mirror mode or stealth?
  15. Cliiqq

    Stealth NMZ

    I thought. 79 was pushed to stable in. 80?
  16. Every time it completes a slayer task it seems to count it as 2 instead 1 task
  17. Cliiqq

    Molly's Thiever

    Hey Molly Is it a possibility to make it an option to have stall thieving dropping after each steal an option? Personally I'd rather do the full inv then drop all
  18. Cliiqq

    Stealth NMZ

    Literally one of the best Scripts I've ever purchased Yeet
  19. Can I try this out please bro?
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