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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. So when "enable area selection", do I disable it, after I've set the area? Or do I leave the "enable area selection" up?
  2. Hello, What client do you use for the Mirror mode to latch on to? I want to use Mirror, versus stealth, as I just came back and started a new account. I'm looking to just do recreational botting for my ironman account, and don't want to be caught. I have seen the new Jagex Launcher, and that it's not like the old OSRS client I'm used to. Can you tell me how you're able to use Mirror Mode?
  3. Following, I'm curious about this answer. Side note - do you know if Mirror Mode will work on the Jagex Launcer/Official client? It's been a long time since I played, so I don't know if you can use the mirror client on this new Jagex Launcher.
  4. Does the Mirror client not attach to the new jagex launcher? If not, how can I get the old official osrs client so I can run mirror mode?
  5. Does this work with the Culinaromancer's chest in Lumbridge castle basement? If not, can it be made to work?
  6. Hey Malcolm! I'd love a trial first! Are you still offering trials in this? If so, i'd love to try it out.
  7. I'm slowly coming to possess all your scripts and using them on one character. Can I get a trial please?
  8. Hi! A free trial would be great
  9. Hi! I'm looking for an orb making script. Could I trial this?
  10. Nice, could I trial this please?
  11. Interested in trialing this! Interested in trialing this!
  12. Could I trial this please?
  13. Wow! This looks promising, even exciting! Is it available for a 24hr trial?
  14. Awesome! Just what I needed man. Thanks so much.
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