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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Did you try refreshing? ctrl + f5?
  2. By default, adding a space will result in a comma being added since the system thinks you're searching for two separate things. Search: g_g_6
  3. RoomScape

    Ex-CBA PiP

    Then make it a day more than what you lasted.
  4. RoomScape

    Ex-CBA PiP

    It should be all ex-CBA's, unless he did something so horrendous that it would be removed... Just so can't have it, there should be a rule on how long you have to have it...why not a day or two?
  5. y u no VIP? :(

    1. z1ll3r


      my vip ended just like 10 mins ago :3

  6. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/233-real-life/ ?
  7. I smell a vader.

    1. RoomScape


      Darth Vader... Is that you?

    2. ShibeVader
    3. RoomScape


      Wtf is shibe???

  8. I see the same thing, lol.
  9. Why isn't this already implemented?
  10. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/44814-look-at-this-sexy-beast
  11. Took 10 minutes to pull up the video on his tv... Then showed me two, two minute videos about how a black guy got accepted into the top right colleges and how he's in the 99th percentile... He woke me up to show me that because the world would've ended if I had seen it any later and I would've completely and utterly died and failed at life without this knowledge. Thanks, dad. -.-
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