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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Sorry, second part I meant that if the original owner isn't on osbot, then that would happen.
  2. i don't get it. I never said people can't sell accounts if they aren't the original owners. In that case, @James should then recover the account (I think the seller should try prior to @James, though). @James would only really attempt it if the seller can't recover it. In the event that neither can recover, that I'm unsure about. It would have to depend on the reason. If it's locked, maybe the seller would have to refund partial, if not all? If the account is recovered then James or the second seller would have to pay up. Now, in the event that someone is selling an account that they aren't the original owner of, they are fully responsible of everything. They will be considered the original owner and have all the responsibilities that go along with it. I'm not sure about this, but I believe that after 6-12 months of uninterrupted use of an account that the current owner would then be a full owner, therefore he should be able to recover it with ease, depending on how actively that person played RS. In the event that the original owner has quit the site, the seller may or may not be fully responsible, it all depends on the situation, though, to be honest.
  3. What type of people are the biggest scammers from what you've noticed? From what I've seen, it's the membership sellers. :|
  4. partnersPartners Partners How many does he have? Good luck, bro. Aren't Laz and Zach working on it enough for you to take a small break?
  5. Just so you guys know, this is @Amazon on pb. Probably banned for scamming.
  6. Yeah, basically. And don't let people give away accounts.
  7. People can giveaway accounts and then recover it (without penalty?) and this shouldn't be allowed. The person has no items on his account so he gives it away to someone else who trains it and puts items on it, then he recovers the account... The person is then indirectly (or directly, depending on your point of view) scammed. Also, let's say I'm friends with @James. I do an account giveaway and say he wins and he gets the account. It would be seen as fair enough, but I was going to give him the account regardless because of our scam. Now, @James now has possession of the account. He then turns around and sells it. He may or may not disclose that he's not the original owner (or he may claim that he is to sell the account, but then retract it afterwards once the account has been recovered (by me) and someone opens a scam report on @James. @James would then be cleared, since he's not the original owner, and we would get away with our scam. Solution: Disallow account giveaways and/or make account sellers responsible for the safety of the account they're selling. If they can't recover the account, they shouldn't be selling it. That simple. You shouldn't sell something that isn't safe. You can sell accounts if you're not the original owner, however, if the account gets locked or recovered, the seller then has the responsibility to recover said account. *I'm not blaming or accusing anybody of anything, but I see a major flaw with this system*
  8. You could just report the thread. :p
  9. LOL @ Maldesto and Solonon. xD!!
  10. I don't know, I may not use void just to keep atk and str at 1, lol.
  11. Not really planning on selling it, though. Besides, too many botted accounts for me to even get a worth while price for this.
  12. Meh, I don't care so much about that. Just wanted to make a ranged tank. If selling it crosses my mind later on, then the stats would affect it, right?
  13. Get at me pink brony. Swizz.
  14. I find that hard to believe, but ok, lol.
  15. Wtf is going on? You guys are trying to sound so educated that it's funny. The lack of grammatical knowledge and sentence structure is truly amusing as is the amount of trolling going on. Not sure if everyone is perfectly playing along to make a superb troll thread or if everyone is trying to sound smart and getting trolled in the process.
  16. I was out most of the day today. Didn't get much accomplished.
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