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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Not sure if trolling or serious...
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/chat/ I'll be doing a giveaway. I'll post 20 codes. 5 codes will be worth $2, the rest will be worth $.01. Whoever gets the codes will win, obviously. Rules: Must be in chatbox, otherwise won't see codes. This will happen within the next few minutes - I only have 1 code atm.
  3. What's up with this botception going on? Bots setting up bots? :|
  4. Why..? o.o It's only a few lines and it's at the bottom. The 'members online today' is outrageous, so I can see why that has a collapse option. I don't think the 'online users' needs one, though.
  5. Just like you bot in RS, you can bot IRL. These 'bots' are an exact copy of you (physical features), however, they're nothing more than mechanical robots! You can program them (or buy programmed files written by elite programmers) to do whatever you wish. Do your laundry, go to school, go to work, ANYTHING! They can have pre recorded responses you set to certain situations. They look just like you (they're even waterproof for those rainy days)! Only problem: The government has declared these 'bots' illegal by law to use. If found, the bots will be apprehended by the authorities and you can face penalties such as fines and even jail time! They're pretty expensive, so unless you're rich, you're more than likely only having the one provided to you (through a unknown source). Would you send it out into the world to try and earn money, or would you keep it to yourself? Would you take the risk and use the bot to do your bidding?
  6. TWC5ever

    1. lolmanden
    2. RoomScape


      I got you.

      Make a new account, start off with a fresh IP, new name and a different attitude. Make sure to stay on the staff's good side and always follow the rules. Participate in the market, but don't over do it. I'll work on getting you fake passports and the name change. We can pull it off, but we need to coordinate our movements and make sure we don't overlap or make any mistakes. I'm down to do it if you're willing to lose everything you currently have to st...

  7. I asked the entire chat. You just ignored me.
  8. No one wanted to help me gather info. I'm only one man!
  9. Gay =! sexy. VIP is nothing. Become a true member and get lifetime Sponsor! Fabulous!*
  10. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47587-list-of-past-events-v3/ @Eliot - Demoted from Trial to CBA, then from CBA to white...Then got OSD...Then trial...AGAIN, now he's OSD?? This kid is everywhere... - UNBANNED! (TWC, though) From scamming - hacked? - to ban evading (at least twice) to lying...now he's unbanned? @Mohammed - Scamquitted. @Nezz - Bought lifetime sponsor AND $100 donor? Donate to me, pls. @snaes - Random newfag to GFX master out of nowhere....then banned. :| @alphaDesign - @snaes' new account. o.o @Katarina - Ban evading - @mhmd21 @Jay Cutler - Scam quitted - Scammed @PolishNeos 57m. @Spongebob - Scammed - I knew he would scam, tbh. @Raflesia - Demoted mofo that's been cheating on us with another site. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well..aha... :I @Catastrophe = Still sexy @Gilgad - Demoted due to IRL problems, hopefully he'll be back soon. @Divinity - Cleaned someone elses account *cough* I mean, was hacked. @Regretz - Got banned over 4 bonds, GGWP! Sucks to suck. @Dan - Tried framing @SupremeLeader and failed miserably. - Bought sponsor...wohoo... @Acerd - Still not CBA. @Arctic - Dethroned @Cinnamon from the elite top 5 most feedback'd. Will @Cinnamon be able to retaliate, or has he given up?
  11. Hmm, I guess so. There aren't so many that I would be for it, but it doesn't matter much and it's not hard to do, lol.
  12. http://osbot.org/mvc/sdn/scripts/ They're divided by categories and only about a handful of scripts in each section. Not hard to find one you're looking for. Unless you meant local scripts.
  13. To get the scammer banned.
  14. If a user was scammed, they should be able to file a scam report. Them not being able to file one will just have users trying to scam them since they know they won't be banned for scamming.
  15. Then they'll try buying the account in the pc section, lol.
  16. Then they'll try buying the account in the pc section, lol. And if they can see the entirety of the account section, they'll pm the buyer or add their skype.
  17. Those that are for it are either ignorant to what'll happen, don't care about the repercussions, want it for personal gain, or just oblivious to everything. There are just some things that shouldn't be allowed. What's stopping me from writing a bs guide and putting in the thread 'NO REDUNDS!!!'? Users will get mad about my guide stating that it's either common knowledge or not worth it. I'll have their posts and negative fb removed while I continue selling a bs guide and profiting from it. I mean, hey. It's allowed, right? Also, I can help users with their homework. I can get them all F's and put in my ToS that I'm helping you but not guaranteeing any specific grade. I can sound smart all I want and not know one question and fake everything. The person will believe me enough and get a F when he turns it in to the teacher. It's just not worth it. Too much wasted time and a lot of bs to go through.
  18. If you get scammed that easily, then I don't know. This should be in the market place, but I honestly don't see it being useful enough to be there. A TWC list would be better, but they're already TWC which everyone can see, so again... I don't really see the point in it. Not to discourage you or anything, just think it's a waste of your time. Like @Mikasa said. If they don't even bother to check the persons profile, I highly doubt they'll read this thread.
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