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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Yeah, I know. Just a bit weird is all.
  2. As far as I've always known/seen, Chatbox Assistant wasn't and isn't considered part of the staff team. So, why is this section named, "Staff Application"? Just pointing it out, lol. Kind of ironic.
  3. LOLOLOL Gilgad made me lol. That video was funny af. xD Should've posted this on my giveaway thread. Definitely would've gotten that like. xD
  4. Didn't even notice that. Gratz, bro! Let me know if you need any help with MM'ing. :P
  5. RoomScape


    He deserves it for his determination.
  6. WTF R U DOIN?!?!?!

    1. RoomScape
    2. Catastrophe


      Haha that has been there for ages.

    3. RoomScape


      It wasn't there when I wrote it yesterday.

      And I don't write '=', I write '-'.


  7. I actually kicked them and more because of spam. Look at my above post. There were about 20, if not more, messages like that. Then they got mad when I kicked, lmao.
  8. I don't think you can do it... Can you? It has to do with the coding.
  9. Lmao, sounds like fun. I never really did like fishing - it always seemed boring to me - but maybe that's just because I'm bad at it? O.o
  10. It's only a few lines and it won't matter all that much. I just press the 'end' button to auto scroll to the bottom of the page.
  11. You'll be essentially doing the same thing you're complaining about... He's spamming the forums so you're spamming trying to get his spam noticed? :|
  12. Then post in spam. This isn't the section for that. :p
  13. Just report the post/user. No need to make a thread about it, lol.
  14. I hear tutorial island is watched. Botting it isn't advised.
  15. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48915-roomscape-power-abuser/Lol.
  16. Guess someone already redeemed them, lmao.
  17. STARTING!!!!!! Redemption Code: 414752X30162X276D869EJ4 Redemption Code: 414754X30162X1NBUOFAIAA Redemption Code: 414757X30162XD5CSF9EW59 Redemption Code: 414759X30162X6S0P3UPJ3Z Redemption Code: 414760X30162XVO5TQJYJA8 Redemption Code: 414763X30162XF7WUDK145Z Redemption Code: 414767X30162XNNBTE6JNUA Redemption Code: 414768X30162XI2KDZOM1EH Redemption Code: 414769X30162XC5ZW1T4CB1 Redemption Code: 414762X30162X42D3KJDSLQ Redemption Code: 414763X30162XF7WUDK145Z Redemption Code: 414767X30162XNNBTE6JNUA Redemption Code: 414768X30162XI2KDZOM1EH Redemption Code: 414769X30162XC5ZW1T4CB1 Redemption Code: 414772X30162XCBVVDBL5H1 Redemption Code: 414759X30162X6S0P3UPJ3Z Redemption Code: 414760X30162XVO5TQJYJA8 Redemption Code: 414762X30162X42D3KJDSLQ Redemption Code: 414763X30162XF7WUDK145Z Redemption Code: 414761X30162X9AL7LCKEN6 Redemption Code: 414766X30162X8FTCTMRRSV Redemption Code: 414769X30162XC5ZW1T4CB1 Redemption Code: 414770X30162XY363TZFP6Z Redemption Code: 414774X30162XJVMIQSDKWP Redemption Code: 414774X30162XJVMIQSDKWP Redemption Code: 414774X30162XJVMIQSDKWP Redemption Code: 414773X30162XRWNF5STSGY Redemption Code: 414778X30162XMWY54F6EGY Redemption Code: 414779X30162X2TSIC3W2TD Redemption Code: 414780X30162XRZ8P4BD4ON Redemption Code: 414781X30162XZ93JQGJ33Q Redemption Code: 414782X30162X0ORFYNW4GY Redemption Code: 414783X30162XVE8EFS7PA8 Redemption Code: 414784X30162XG3SOY5YR03 Redemption Code: 414785X30162XNIZBF1IG93 Redemption Code: 414786X30162X3WK4FSQWQT Redemption Code: 414787X30162XMV9RYU5A1U Redemption Code: 414759X30162X6S0P3UPJ3Z Redemption Code: 414760X30162XVO5TQJYJA8 Redemption Code: 414762X30162X42D3KJDSLQ Redemption Code: 414763X30162XF7WUDK145Z Redemption Code: 414761X30162X9AL7LCKEN6 Redemption Code: 414766X30162X8FTCTMRRSV Redemption Code: 414767X30162XNNBTE6JNUA Redemption Code: 414768X30162XI2KDZOM1EH Redemption Code: 414769X30162XC5ZW1T4CB1 Redemption Code: 414770X30162XY363TZFP6Z Redemption Code: 414772X30162XCBVVDBL5H1 Redemption Code: 414774X30162XJVMIQSDKWP *Some may be repeats. ;)
  18. There were more, just I couldn't get all of it in one screenie.
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