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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. That runs with the android OS, right?
  2. Which one do you guys think I should get? Price is a factor, unfortunately, so consider that. My sister recently got the LG GPad 8.3 and I was playing with it and I began to develop an interest in them. I was thinking of the iPad Air since I did a it of research and found that it's the best, but feel free to leave me suggestions. I just don't want those windows 8 wannabe laptop tablet with fake keyboard things. I already have a laptop, so yeah.
  3. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/49314-roomscape-abusing-chatbox/
  4. Zezima a had a kid and yelled, "woot, 99 summoning!"
  5. It is? That site looks like they're trying to catch some CP predators or something.
  6. LOL! That CP, bro. You should be jailed. Just remember... http://youtu.be/NGaU72LjADk
  7. Oh. It shall never be the same. RIP troll.
  8. Why was it bigger to begin with, then?
  9. Mate, why you scamming me a fb? I can't dethrone @Probemas if no one leaves me fb.
  10. The people have spoken! Now be a nice admin and fix the troll face.
  11. It looks so ugly and pathetic. Please bring it back to its former glory.
  12. Bank tabs are a big help. My bank was looking a mess with all my items jumbled everywhere.
  13. What I don't get is how you post about others spamming rather than reporting the tbread/user. It's like you want others to acknowledge what you're doing for some reason.
  14. Here's an idea: have scholars or some other knowledgable rank judge whether or not they believed the person is suitable or not.
  15. I thought it was funny when someone mentioned how a scripter didn't know how to do something so simple that even I know how to do. Sad part is that I consider myself pretty ignorant when it comes to java. xD
  16. There are no current requirements? I mean, there's a requirement to buy/sell accounts - no matter how small - before there are requirements on scripts that the site is selling?
  17. It should be something along the lines that if the person requires a PM and you fall for a PM trap, you're half responsible for any proven amount of money stolen (screenshots should be required). If the person traded an impostor, it's just their fault for their blatant ignorance. Although I'm for this, I can try to see users trying to frame people and force them into a pm trap and paying the gp to their 'friend' (the impostor) hoping to get compensated half of that from the person. Even so....that'll be more of a reason for big traders to be clear about what they PM.
  18. If you trade someone and they want you to go first, what would you do:1) look at their fb number. 2) Look through their fb to see what people said about them.
  19. And people who deliberately cause their traders to be scammed through nothing more than sheer ignorance and arrogance shouldn't be allowed in the market. Depends on the reason why they were killed. If you go and offend someone repeatedly and then they end up killing you, yes. You're at fault. There are few cases where people randomly die be nothing more than a big coincidence.
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