Slayer: 40-50 = 5769k , 50-69 = 25m
Hunter: 37-60 = 7388k
Thieving: 53-55 = 1652k
Agility: 56-60 = 3588k
The Eyes of Glouphrie - 1.8m
Enlightened Journey - 1m
Monkey Madness 2 - 7m
What you need to tell me: i play 6-8 hours in day, there are chance that i will need get
away from pc for 30min-2h, i keep loot from slay. we use vmm @Dbuffed
Start Date: Even now.
Approximate Completion Date:ill try faster won't tell time cuz idk but it won't be much time.
cuz have wife who plays to she can play when im out
Price (osrs GP/BTC/ETH/LTC/Paypal):69397k(69m)
Price Supplies (osrs GP): gear for slay, whip etc. for faster slay use cannon, if we use mm i can use my 15m worth gear and supplies , but price goes up to 77m
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