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Everything posted by QvM

  1. i would count as 55gp/xp, we would use vmm.
  2. would do it for 20m but, wont say i took 48 hours cuz of works and somethigs i would play 6-8h in a day
  3. QvM

    Lots of Skilling

    agility - 330,612xp = 18.1m/55gpxp herblore - 89,702xp = 890k/10gpxp crafting - 435.339xp = 7.4m/17gpxp mining - 294.225xp = 9.4m/32gpxp smithing = 10.2m/22gpxp firemaking - 359,660xp = 8.6m/22gpxp woodcutting - 540.703xp = 12.9m/24gp/xp all had done 100%, can provide all photos
  4. I can do 2 at once, i would take 10 for now or more
  5. about 50m we can use vmm.
  6. i can do this fast, i can go first 3m
  7. 8m/acc , can do 2x once , we use mm @Dbuffed, or we can trade after 2x acc's done. Already done 43+ acc's with reg lines.
  8. I can try it tho, yea very low hp those bosses can combo i believe, u have p pots and supplies? 12m i can go first
  9. Notice that people who doing this (workers) is humans and they can't fo like robots, personally im doing quest without timeframe I don't be rushed, but i do it good you can ask people who positive me. If you need hurry to do quest and go like outside,do it tomorrow but don't rush, rushing is like disrespect. Just saying, i don't flame or so.
  10. I can do it handdone 100% 6-8h in a day working, i gracefull set urs, payment after 92 half and other half 99 , can provide all screenshots, we use mm.
  11. 80m for everythings would go 6-10h in day
  12. Agree, people won't do serviced for few.
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