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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Cinnamon

  1. So I opened a new shop: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/28725-%DB%9E-cinnamons-level-three-shop-%DB%9E-%E2%88%9A-sponsor-%E2%88%9A-cheap-%E2%88%9A-fast-%E2%88%9A-secure-%E2%88%9A-hot/#entry322117 I know theres little lechers on this site, so i'm giving every one of you guys a chance to expand. One level three will be given to three different people. All you have to do to enter is have 40+ posts, have been a member since 31-November, and post why you deserve it. This will end somewhere Wednesday night NY timezone, ill post and pm the winners. You will have 24 hours to respond. If anyone is interested in buying level threes, skype me: cinnamon.osbot, reserving is cheaper. In order to reserve, post on the link above, post how many your buying, and your skype. Merry early Christmas
  2. Chief Keef is shit, and looks like my shit.
  3. Im showing this to my computer science teacher.
  4. also when you think about it: > leechers spam in chat > post rule enforced for chat > leechers spam on forums to meet req/generally ask whats-up no there just should be a huge banner on the forums saying: CLIENT: ONLINE/OFFLINE
  5. 100 posts is a little to high. People will span their ways into chat and not gaf. spam*
  6. I did not create a dispute because no real scam took place. Guys, watch out. claimed he was selling 200M+, and did not want to go first, and refused to use a mm. http://prntscr.com/29x690 http://prntscr.com/29x6f9 http://prntscr.com/29x6np then delete me and the person he/she was trading when we were finally using a mm with someone else... http://prntscr.com/29x5vl his/her skype: demdarkvibes happy botting/buying/selling or whateva you dooooo
  7. this would be a good feature.
  8. You know what, fuck osbot. hi guys im back
  9. I hope its not delayed any longer.
  10. should of sold it to me while you could.
  11. no ge, i make bank off quest kits
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