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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Cinnamon

  1. there needs to be an elgibility to run. there should be some sort of campaigning...and a future notice of elections. I didnt even know about cb assistant voting utill it closed. there also needs to be a voter eligibility too!
  2. for demote :-) omg @5uck is super what
  3. I think staff should be appointed by the community of OsBot in an election, and staff takes its position from majority vote. I don't know the eligibility to run would be, but just as the United States, Forum Administrators/Mods should only hold terms, or hold their position for certain amount of time until next elections roll around. Not to go into detail with term length, amount of terms ect., but just throwing an idea out there. I think staff being appointed by the admins is a little unfair because first of all @Maxi hasen't been around and @Zach doesn't play in the forums too much. As to what I hear @Laz is doing hard work on OsBot 2 at the moment. No hate to the current staff members because they're doing a fabulous job, and NO hate towards for singling him out (@Maldesto), I don't think he's doing a bad job, but on the contrary not too many people are fond of his work. So its just us. What do you, as the community, think?
  4. Depends. 1) Do you bot more than one account? You can't do that without VIP or Sponsor. Botting with multiple tabs is slower than botting with multiple clients. (for me) Go VIP!
  5. Good job man teach me how to make a crane
  6. Post below something that you really hate. I'll start. Cold toilet seats
  7. Graphic Ill give you some gp if you could make me one ill also advertise your shop if you have one.
  8. I think people who are verified should get the glow instead.
  9. Cinnamon


    woahh vets get their glow back?!!?!?
  10. If anyone can't buy VIP for paypal reasons I can send you a $10 OsBot voucher for only 3.5m! I only have two left so first come first serve skype: basdgodd
  11. didn't you leave? is this still going to be hosted?
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