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Everything posted by Triovani

  1. I have scripts from both, and in my experience they all work quite well. In case of support as mentioned before, i have to give a huge shout out to Czar. Usually answers on discord in a few hours and fixes bugs in a few days tops. But ask for a trail on thread or in discord for both and check whitch one u like best
  2. This is happening to me too...! Looks very bottish to run back and forward between brazier and the tree. The bot reaches the 500 point threshold, gets new logs and deposit 1 log, then runs back to get a new log, deposits that one and so on... Edit: I tired to tick the option u said off and on again and that worked, but should be able to trust the script to not do this and not have to watch it every first game of session? Altso getting this, idk if that has anything to do with it? java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -28 at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1967) at org.khal.windertodt.s.CON.M(h:181) at org.khal.windertodt.v.CoN.J(g:258) at org.khal.windertodt.v.CoN.a(g:150) at org.khal.windertodt.KhalWintertodt.onLoop(i:124) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bm:73) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
  3. Triovani

    Stealth Quester

    He doesnt offer trails, but seriously... just buy it, it's a beast of a script
  4. Cheap prices and quick delivery!
  5. My accs have been dying the last couple of days at port phas patch.. Never happened before! Also had a timeout at that patch
  6. As Camaro said, mirror mode is a must if you dont want an instant ban! Dont bot with VPN! Was the accs rested? F2P? Mirror or not? Also, hope u didnt bot 10h without brakes? I never have more than 1h max sessions before braking, depends on what ur botting. Agility i usually bot 15-30mins>break>15-30mins and stop. U just have to try it out and figure out what works for you
  7. Did you fix the bank pin issue? Also, as mentioned before the script should just click "space" instead of clicking with mouse..
  8. Hi again apa, tried to use it in rouges den just to rule out if it was only in hosidius and same issue.. I got a video of the error if you can contact me on discord i can send it to you? Triovani#4331
  9. Hi, is it possible to add "Brimstone key" to the loot list, so it allways picks this up? Would be nice, cuz right now for example im using this to kill blue drags and thats an Konar task
  10. I'm using alot of other scripts, and i dont have any problems with them. Looks like the script works fine until it Banks, then the osbot pin solver dont start so the script Just tries to open bank over and over again.
  11. It wasnt anything more.. Kept repeating that first line all the way to top of logger, then the two break manager lines at the end..
  12. Im not getting anything in logget when it happens, but im getting this when i stop the script. at uk.co.ramyun.cooker.core.coN.A(cc:441) [INFO][Bot #1][07/24 10:11:27 PM]: Started random solver : BankPin Solver [INFO][Bot #1][07/24 10:11:27 PM]: Random solver exited : BankPin Solver
  13. The script doesnt work after break when having a bank pin.. Logges in after break, opens bank, but the osbot bank pin solver doesnt start and it just stands still untill it disconnects than tries to log in again and loops... Has to be something with the banking that wont let osbot solver start Mirror mode, but every other script i have manages this.
  14. All Czar scripts seems to be up again now boys! PS: Im using mirror
  15. I still have this login problem also..
  16. Triovani

    Fruity NMZ

    Same here.... Doesnt work (Mirror)
  17. Triovani

    Stealth Quester

    I`m sure it should work, all i say is when i ran that quest the script tried to solve it like 4-5 times and on last attempt (it tried to hop) i managed to pause the script and slide the last piece into place
  18. Triovani

    Stealth Quester

    I had the same issue. Solved it perfectly but with one piece left to slite it kept hopping world. Had to pause it right at the last peace and slide that one manually. Forgot to mention it before
  19. The script will automaticly use the potions in inventory, no setup needed for that (But you can use the potion setup to change the default variable for when it sipps). Plus ive tried the script with divine potions and i couldnt get it to work, so i think they might not be supported just yet. (Im sure its right around the corner ) Soo try to use regular potions!
  20. Triovani

    Stealth Quester

    I have completed almost all the quests now (used like a month on it, 2-3 quests a time) and havent been banned lol... Botting is all about how you do it, also botted this acc to 65 agility and base 50 skills.. No problem! Love this script Token
  21. I tried this... left it for like 3 moths and then tried to bot like 30 min sessions but got banned after a few days -.- Sooo i would say dont do it
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