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Everything posted by Triovani

  1. After main got busted after using rsbuddy some years ago i decided to start up again... The pure i had was ofc in rs3 so had to start all over in osrs. That one got busted last christmas so took a break.. got into it again now and the new "main" got an 1 day ban today... so a couple of questions (i know some has kind of been answered before): First of all i want to know if im to appeal, is it possible to undo this, is it possible to get a perm ban from it and is there any ponit? The acc is good enough to do bosses ect so its kind of ok to play whith.. And i assume that any kind of botting on this acc wil get it perm banned right? I have some other accounts that didnt get banned that was ofc bottet on the same computer, should i stop botting on them as well? Att least ontil i get a new IP? Thanks alot for any input!
  2. Hey, cant seem to get the "Minimise" button to work... Kind of importent to be able to see if anyone talks ?
  3. 13 days since you said u fix it.. lool this is sooo annoying! :P should be an easy fix right? EDIT: @Czar Can u make it so it "just presses the space bar" when stringing (maybe everything else, idk) insted of taking the mouse down to it..? seems bot like and may be alot faster too?
  4. Ohh ok, no need didnt work very well :P buut, kind of pointless to have them when theres no banking support? its good for a small slayer task, but useless for money..?
  5. Now i started it in the cave standing beside the dragon.. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:09 PM]: Loaded 6 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:11 PM]: Displaying old GUI [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:52 PM]: ANTIFIRE: Disabled [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:52 PM]: Using automatic randomization. Next eatAt = 41% [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:52 PM]: Please wait a bit while I load prices.... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:55 PM]: Prices loaded... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:55 PM]: Using Abyssal whip [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:55 PM]: DEBUG: generating default loot class. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:55 PM]: Setting Loot Trackers [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:21:55 PM]: Done...Trackers set! [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Terminating script Excellent Dragons... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Moneymade: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Sending....data.. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Bones: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Hides: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:05 PM]: Visage: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:06 PM]: Sent data to server..Dynamic Sig update. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:06 PM]: true [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 01:22:06 PM]: Script Excellent Dragons has exited!
  6. Getts in a loop when starting metal dragons.. takes mithril pickaxe out of bank, puts it into bank, takes it out again.. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:05 AM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 131 minute(s), you will break for 20 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:05 AM]: Loaded 6 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:05 AM]: Displaying old GUI [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:22 AM]: ANTIFIRE: Disabled [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:22 AM]: Using automatic randomization. Next eatAt = 55% [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:22 AM]: Please wait a bit while I load prices.... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: Prices loaded... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: Using Rune crossbow [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: Registering ammo... [Mithril bolts] [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: DEBUG: generating default loot class. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: Setting Loot Trackers [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:23 AM]: Done...Trackers set! [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:24 AM]: grabbing axe [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:26 AM]: grabbing axe [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Terminating script Excellent Dragons... [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Moneymade: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Sending....data.. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Bones: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Hides: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Visage: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Sent data to server..Dynamic Sig update. [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: true [INFO][Bot #1][03/28 12:17:27 AM]: Script Excellent Dragons has exited!
  7. This script works great folks! IM 92 from this atm! buuut... Be aware that @Czar dosent reply to messages with issues with his scprits! Sendt him a pm on monday.. Bought a script that havent been updated since january -.- This script doesnt have fletched/h, the GP/h dosent work at all (says 900kgp/h) other than that works good!
  8. Sooo just take more potions to even out..? not to be a jerk, but you do not have to make things so difficult.. Very good script btw apa!
  9. Great! Found another problem.. When the guard attacks me the script will run away, what about an option to just kill him and continue (this would be faster than running I think?)? Because the script will run away just fine, but just stops and cant find its way back! Just stands there just spamming a message that it can find its way back or something..! This is not like your other scripts, should be better than this when we have to pay for it..
  10. Silk Stalls does not work at all... gets stuck on " Stall mode, activating price checker..." Just bought this as it looked like the best thiever script, but it doesn't even start..
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