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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by solononforever

  1. You see what I mean, Mod removed it; We cant even create drama.
  2. I'm here browsing the forums and this scrub decides to start shit ********a then calls me a asswipe, I aint taking this shit
  3. bro fuck you U think im a twat scrub who accepts loose change
  4. you have $100 and your never online, Please give me a $1.

    1. JoopiiRS


      Ok, is Paypal fine?

    2. solononforever


      I was kidnapped by somalion pirates, My paypal is: progamersolomon2@hotmail.co.uk

  5. Honestly, If only you knew how hard I've been trying to cause drama. But Mods seem to stop me!
  6. Put pretty much everyone keeps it a secret , They think runescape is for 10 year olds or nerds .
  7. Only a few, One of my friends played runescape for years without telling me, Depends on the person...If I know they don't play PC games then I keep my mouth shut
  8. haha, I cant even use other peoples avatar and sigs

  9. I'm sure we all know the "Don't mix runescape with personal life" rule; Which is why only a few of my friends know about me playing it. So what about you?, Do you openly tell people you play runescape, or are you still in the closet?
  10. Didn't you get TWC for chargebacking?
  11. Try out mamoths (try not to bot it as its in the wildi :P)
  12. Well its closing down in june-july and the economy is falling to shit, I spent to much on that game, Still sad to see it go.
  13. Just wandering if anyone played that game. It's pretty much dead now but it was a hell load of fun (Its a RTS game), If you did play it, post your Gamertag: AI RainyCard IA <--- This was me AOEO = Age Of Empires Online Il take that as a no :,( bump
  14. I cant believe I ever laughed watching this
  15. Yes I was banned due to corrupted staff members ,People like the above don't give 2 shits
  16. lol , A hippo chasing a black man
  17. Im moving up, 2 more hours left They always have english names on chat, and theres to many correctly spelled words. Your a fake!
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