nah mate, I got ddosed 3-4 times when I had good cards, and that jake guy made it seem rigged.
I dont want to make false accusations ,but did anyone get this, or was I getting ddos'd from a skype contact + really unlucky?
nah man, I didnt nothing wrong at the time. I broke a forum rule not a shoutbox rule (I was banned on forums which means I couldnt access shoutbox), there was no need for the shoutbox ban
if I post "buying vtabs" on forums, I can get banned from shoutbox?
how am I even ment to know what rule extends to what?
uhm, Posting a bad link.
Changing my name to supremeIeader
3 troll faces on the chatbox
= perm ban?, really? the first one was the only bad offence.
Anyway pretty sure it was you who said 5 days, Who was the person who banned me?