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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by solononforever

  1. you just did, How many ass's have you raped?
  2. have you ever stuck a carrot up your ass?
  3. Does your boyfriend know your man?
  4. I was trying to get in contact with the account support and its been over an hour and Im on the same 4 minute message. I thought chinese people were good at math
  5. Why do you think about raping 5 year olds? EDIT: why are you a man
  6. How come 50% of your posts look like a autistic 5 year old wrote it, and the other 50% looks like a smart person wrote it
  7. have you ever shoved broken glass up your ass?
  8. Thank you I will forward this to @SupremeLeader
  9. the rules need to be updated or properly enforced #Unbanmefromshoutbox
  10. Nice avatar, what cult you in?

    1. Sex


      > Legion Pls

  11. I got banned again, Perm this time?

    1. solononforever


      I said "Im going on * to do some botting"

    2. solononforever


      Yes ,agreed I should be unbanned.

    3. Smart


      Post an appeal and I'll look into your background.

  12. Me to, Iv been hacked I need 24 hour ip ban. And when I come back I need the shoutbox ban removed
  13. The we must fight against the pinks to get my unban back
  14. Maldesto is gonna wack his dick on your face once he sees your avatar
  15. soryw sir bad english and mispell alort
  16. Whos that fag trying to copy me. I would never visit another forums.
  17. I was banned on chat for misspelling. I was trying to say "going on the bot to do some botting"
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