Love the script just a shame auto retaliate turns off if a player attacks you at when collecting soul fragments why wouldnt you retaliate? ,
also the magic prayer on all the time is a bit over the top , a bit obvious
not working for me , used to work dont know if its the new client
when dragging to the top of the screen its not going high enough so it does not scroll
Fixed mode , Stealth and mirror tried both
When using clan wars it keeps withdrawing the ring of dueling and swapping it over and over again , also enters the free for all portal and does not leave and then tries teleport to morton minigame but is unable too
@Khaleesi Ive been using this bot for a while now , and in recent times it does not seem to recharge prayer points , and just stops and disconnects
Any help?
Hello Khal , tried fishing at barb village today with feathers + fly fishing rod in the inventory ..
it walks to bank and says wrong tool , and just sits there.
Its definitely the fly fishing rod and feathers as im fishing currently without the bot
i presume the ban rate is low? could i have a trial as im pretty sure i will buy 100% if its successful
Ive gone and bought it i couldnt wait to use it haha... its fantastic GREAT JOB!!!