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Everything posted by Zor

  1. no its main gamemode just you cant trade or use ge. uim is ironman but no banks. If you decide to play ironman i could help you out a little just drop me a pm
  2. ocasionally play on my main but now its mostly ironman but yea id say do it if you have freetime while overviewing bots or whatever
  3. Currently running a farm trying to make it easier to expand and i love cli, but is there any way to position where the new osbot window opens with cli or any other way?
  4. Zor

    ltb 70+ range

    i have some old x'ers i could sell you 90+ range but have melee
  5. Zor

    need help

    trying to start up a bot through cli, but it doesnt like that the ip is already in use here is error code anyone have suggestions/fixes? thanks Collection of game data set to: 1 Debug enabled on port 5005 Starting SDN script with id: 898 [DEBUG][04/22 05:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 field list filters [DEBUG][04/22 05:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 field filters [DEBUG][04/22 05:38:52 PM]: Injected 2 method list filters [DEBUG][04/22 05:38:52 PM]: Injected 3 method filters In debug mode! ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510) JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [debugInit.c:750] Bot exited with code : 2
  6. ever find the accounts? I have one i could sell right now and another training
  7. i personally miss the new threads feature
  8. sorry i was looking to sell one, mb for not saying that
  9. one getting done soon and looking to sell
  10. Zor

    Advanced Tips

    where would you find an account builder?
  11. i made it through on all my accounts
  12. at 60 60 60 melee 75mage and 50-75 range your loosing money if you dont get an item its like 3k an hour but still losing money
  13. are zulrah accounts worth after nuke?
  14. i hate to ruin your fun but on base stats you barely make money, like its items only
  15. 12/7 will be slower than 24/7 but 6-8/7 is a lot safer 4-6/7 if its an expensive account
  16. more info on deathwalking not working it seems if ytou get teleblocked you dont regear for somereason
  17. but banrate wise do they help very much?
  18. I have those things I just removed them for privacy concerns, sorry for the confusion. It just doesn’t log me in, do I need do have a script designated to just logging accounts in?
  19. Im not opposed to using a script to login and then exit are there any out there? java -jar "osbot 2.5.3.jar" -login zor:pass -bot user:pass -proxy ip:port:user:pass -data 1 Also what exactly does -data do there isnt very much info on it
  20. Zor

    Full Rogue's

    2.5m skype:silversoldier898
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