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Everything posted by Zor

  1. nice account but low feedback drops worth quite a bit
  2. Zor

    Need some quests

    ahhhhh tester account lmk how it goes
  3. Zor

    Need some quests

    starting up a lil'zulrah farm i see
  4. what does regular dmm gold go for?
  5. theirs 2 different sets of quests, i dont remember them off the top of my head but you should be able to find it with a quick forum browse
  6. either 60 60 60 or 70 70 70 with the 5 nmz quests and rockcake
  7. i can first hand say barrows is not the way to go, i trained at green drags while training for barrows and that was better money. while i was 60 60 60 with dragon sword i was making about 200k-250k per hour and muled every 2-3 hours, no bans and i did 50-60 def and 60-66 str, dragon sword is the way to go
  8. Zor


    dang what happened to gold?
  9. Zor


    whats gp at these days, havent had any to sell for a while
  10. Ill make some for you but you would have to provide bond and half payment first (if you wanna give me the account if not just bond) would be botted though, <- probs have like 5 qp though
  11. Zor

    Sotd pure

    will do the quests for 1m botted but need the stats for the quests
  12. Zor

    Level request

    can do 4gp/exp (botted) you provide supplies skype:silversoldier898
  13. blazing proxys @Token or @D Bolter
  14. ill do it for 2m if you don't mind 90% of the quests getting botted, but you must provide bond and supplies. Reason its so cheap is i need feed back that isnt from @D Bolter
  15. Zor

    SOTD pure

    you looking to buy sell, have one trained what?
  16. What do you need? :61-75 magic anyway you want, 36-45 qp however you want to do it, and 60, 67, 60 melees up to 70 70 70 Payment method? :07 Going first or middleman? :first What is your Skype? :silversoldier898 Do you agree to the TOS? :yes
  17. been working on the bot farm, doing to much of the training manually i need to get back to script writing though, you just cant train some of the stats i need with a bot
  18. Zor


    darn i was hoping to get something off of that account i never use
  19. Zor


    i have a 1 60 that i could sell you never botted
  20. wrong area but those that do train accounts like this how do you do magic and is it sustainable up to 75?
  21. 1 bot per client, it will reagear just fine for a while then fail
  22. no clue on pc but you should atleast get it up to 52 prayer
  23. Status in the paint(Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/5909fb90ccd6799b397ea41109de0d56 Inventory layout: (if applicable) https://gyazo.com/67e95275b9c8c98dcf0f02189c078b85 Equipment layout: (if applicable) GUI settings:#Dragon GUI Settings #Thu Mar 29 20:56:45 PDT 2018 checkSummerPieActive=false checkEatToFull=true textFoodAmount=18 checkBurningAndGlory=false checkRanarrWeed=true radioWorldHopper=false radioStrengthPotionRegular=false checkRegularWalker=true radioAttackPotionSuper=false radioSpecialAttack=false checkAdamantHelm=true checkWalkToBank=false checkGloryAndGames=false checkLootingBag=true radioMagicPotion=false radioSafeSpot=false radioRangePotion=false radioStrengthPotionSuper=false textWorldHopCount=5 checkRespawnTeleport=false comboDragonsMode=Green dragons(Graveyard) radioCombatPotion=true What is the error that is occuring? doesnt walk to bank after death, happens sometimes others it doesnt How can I replicate this error? No clue just run it may be something with how i get pked Logger output (If applicable please copy the whole logger):[INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:10 AM]: Handler: Stopped looting. no food & full [INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:10 AM]: PATH TO DITCH 1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:16 AM]: Teleblocked..attempting escape. [INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:39 AM]: We are tele-blocked.. [INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:39 AM]: PATH TO DITCH 2 [INFO][Bot #1][04/02 11:50:56 AM]: Dead.. Additional information:doesnt apply to the bot but you should change up your anti pk, atm if it sees a skull it runs, try and change it to if underattack by a player it runs (personal opinion)
  24. bot will sometimes do deathwalk sometimes it wont. 2.5.3 no mirror mode [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 09:58:35 PM]: PATH TO GRAVEYARD [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 09:59:43 PM]: waiting for loot... [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 09:59:47 PM]: Started Looting Task [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 09:59:51 PM]: Looting: Dragon bones [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 09:59:56 PM]: PATH TO GRAVEYARD [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 10:00:48 PM]: Teleblocked..attempting escape. [INFO][Bot #1][04/01 10:01:53 PM]: Dead.. gets stuck in lumbridge and doesnt move
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