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Everything posted by ThatGamerBlue

  1. It moves the mouse out of the window, then the coords are -1 -1 which is just outside the window at the top left, I'll fix it for next push so the paint ignores points outside the window.
  2. Can't find Rogues Den on Explv's Map (http://explv.github.io), maybe I'm blind, and I don't have membs to get it. Thank you
  3. Dragon gloves, d scimmy, fighter torso, dh axe, karils skirt, 140 quest points w/ regicide, no bans
  4. Was wondering if theres a method to create a new skype account with an old-style name instead of an e-mail. Tried everything from this superuser question: https://superuser.com/questions/980649/how-to-set-skype-name-in-newest-skype (old mobile versions, windows xp, https://login.skype.com/registration)
  5. sup grinchy :) 

    1. Zappster



  6. 108 qp w/ regicide, fairy rings, mith gloves, nearly full quested attack (need mountain daughter), full book of law & unholy book (needs to be reclaimed from lighthouse)
  7. everything from @Apaec and @Acerd /thread
  8. /r/nothingeverhappens either way its outdated now so move on to the next guy
  9. @Tokens proxy shop is dope tbh
  10. theres a video in the comments, looks real to me
  11. @DyQuest your turn brother ;) https://redd.it/80kv5t EDIT: It's outdated now: https://redd.it/8122nd 3h:17m
  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is all
  13. I personally use prayer gear (prossy) and I haven't noticed any slowdown compared to when I was using ahrims.
  14. https://github.com/Explv/Tutorial-Island Compile it yourself, I use it myself.
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