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Everything posted by ThatGamerBlue

  1. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster
  2. why were you banned? also who unbanned you pls stay banned next time
  3. THE UPDATE IS PUSHED v1.6 @goonrunner @Drager can you confirm if either of you are still having issues? thanks
  4. yeah waiting for the sdn to update again, trying to brute force my way through the update process to find out what's causing it to error
  5. just a note, you can't do feedback unless the trade involves $1/1m or more, no free stuff
  6. literally take 60 seconds and look at twitter the servers are down
  7. Nope, working with alek to find out why, we're still unsure.
  8. Trying to fix atm, not sure why it's doing that.
  9. private void checkXpForSkill(Skill skill) throws InterruptedException { if(random(1,100) == 1337) { getTabs().open(Tab.SKILLS); RS2Widget widget = widgets.get(320, skill.getChildId()); if(widget == null) return; Rectangle rect = widget.getBounds(); int x = random(rect.x, rect.x+rect.width); int y = random(rect.y, rect.y+rect.height); getMouse().move(x,y); sleep(random(420, 1337)); getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); } } pls credit popmaster69punk1337 for the discovery thank you
  10. just pc the stats as if the rest of it is standard (no untrades, no quests, no diaries, no bans, am oo)
  11. hidden stats are between 50 and 60
  12. Ever gotten this error? java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format Bot failed to initialize! If you are running OSBot from command-line, ensure that the world you entered is valid! If the world you entered is valid, please check the OSBot forums for online/offline status This is caused by the OSBot client failing to download the OSRS gamepack properly, possibly a firewall issue but to fix this you can download the gamepack manually every Thursday and add it to the client. To fix manually: Go to http://oldschool.runescape.com/jav_config.ws Find the lines beginning with codebase and initial_jar example: https://i.imgur.com/V6alc5G.png Download the file located at codebase+initial_jar example: Move the downloaded file to C:\Users\<your username>\OSBot\Data (under windows) OR /home/username/.osbot/Data under Linux/MacOS Rename the file to client.jar Repeat these steps every game update OR you can run one of my scripts to to it automatically: Linux: <under construction> Windows: <under construction>
  13. One of my work projects had a regex that took one second to compile, ~250 ms per string and was being run twice every page load so I kinda hate regex from then. Also 50 ms is a lot of time in the computing world.
  14. Kinda related, I use https://regexr.com to test my regex expressions, although I rarely use them, poor performance. e: https://regexr.com/3qqd1
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