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Everything posted by ThatGamerBlue

  1. i deserve to win because i really want apas dank agil script
  2. Wait until mr alek fixes and get a temporary proxy to use, works for me.
  3. Looking for the equivalent function of this in OSBot. RuneLite implementations: https://github.com/runelite/runelite/blob/master/runelite-mixins/src/main/java/net/runelite/mixins/RSActorMixin.java#L189 https://github.com/runelite/runelite/blob/master/runescape-api/src/main/java/net/runelite/rs/api/RSActor.java#L56 Doesn't seem to be Character#getAnimation2()
  4. yeah i used the noob tactic for speed here, the brush is way more accurate to give more realistic looking grass
  5. https://i.imgur.com/7ATuZjC.png and process of creation https://streamable.com/yh2yi
  6. clearly its working though because you're talking about it
  7. shameless ad https://osbot.org/forum/topic/135436-blues-wine-maker
  8. hmm, shoot me a pm on skype/discord (in my sig), also it shouldn't do, but idk how osbot handles the moveMouseOffscreen
  9. anything in logger, break settings, etc? need more info
  10. Assuming you're using bash. Semicolon is a separator for "new command" in bash. Escape it. Source code of my jar is 5 lines of code: public class Test { public static void main(String... args) { System.out.println(args[0]); } }
  11. Should work fine with breaks If you get a chance to screenshot a proggy I'll add it to the thread
  12. No bans reported yet, although not many users so far
  13. try wrapping the command in quotes, sudo "java -jar \"/OSBot 2.5.3.jar\" -login -bot -proxy -world 302 -script 671:1,2,1,0" also you shouldn't have to use sudo edit: nvm that wont work, escape the commas with backslashes java -jar "/OSBot 2.5.3.jar" -login -bot -proxy -world 302 -script 671:1\,2\,1\,0
  14. vote on my poll https://www.strawpoll.me/15423228
  15. v1.1 Changelog: - Fixed issue with breaking, thanks @Callum Stillwell! - Added version number to paint. This update will be released with the next SDN push - you can tell if you have the update via the paint.
  16. Haven't encountered this yet, I'll look into it. Anything in logger?
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