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  1. Used to love this script but just ran it for 2 days on my pure that had 60+qp never been botted on 40-60 str account perm banned. OSbots dead because this used to be a great script.
  2. ran for like 10 hours 2 days in a row temp ban on 90 range purefml
  3. Khal this still supported? Interested in buying, would like trial.
  4. Apaec Ive used this for countless hours but have gotten a couple accounts banned (one was my fault) in last 2 months. Would you reccomend mirror mode or injection? Also do you reccomend mouse movements offscreen or on? One of the most stable scripts ive used in years and years of botting.
  5. Has it been fixed then? Nevermind not working.
  6. Just bought. Keep getting this error [INFO][Bot #5][05/03 11:05:49 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #5][05/03 11:05:49 PM]: Moving Castle wars ticket to slot 1 [ERROR][Bot #5][05/03 11:05:49 PM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.scrollToSlot(II)V at projectpact.bankOrganizer.Organize.D(k:81) at projectpact.bankOrganizer.Organize.D(k:106) at projectpact.bankOrganizer.Organize.onLoop(k:164) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ph:114) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  7. boispro

    Fruity NMZ

    Is this updated and working?
  8. Bots working well but I keep getting skulled somehow
  9. Yeah I guess that would help. My apologies just meaning to make you aware of problem if there was one. Thanks.
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