Moderators on the forums are here to moderate the forums/community, we do not handle anything to do with adding and removing scripts. That is solely on the Developers, Scripters and Maldesto in some situations. If you have an issue with a broken script, you may make a bug report on their respective thread or notify the developers through the proper forum sub-section of the non working script (with actual logger information, will need proof, no "helo script no work pls fix"). Implementing a system like that would be nice, but with the amount of time it wouldn't be needed (scripts don't really break or go inactive as often as you'd think), or would become filled with user-error reports (people not properly using the scripts, etc) would make it far too saturated to manage. And also adding a "last time script updated" tag would deter users from scripts that may potentially have not been updated recently, but still work perfectly with no problems due to being written well and not needing updating most of the time. Yeah, a script may have been updated yesterday, but it also may have way more problems than one that hasn't been touched for a little, and we know all users won't check their script threads to see if it has problems or not before buying.
tl;dr, mods dont touch scripts, adding a bug report button would just be spammed with user-error reports that make it not viable, and adding a last updated tag would create favoritism and unrealistic expectations.