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Everything posted by Mio

  1. Since there seems to be an uproar, going to be adding the evidence publicly to this post. Suikabooty and me have been botting together for a long time. We made good profits. We had weekends with 100m+ when botting flax for example. But he got into a bit of a crisis with his family and had to pay back $5000, so I decided to help him out by getting ready as much accounts as I could by the weekend. I had about 50 to 100 p2p bot accs ready, that's about 150m with those prime codes. After a few hours of botting he claims that about 10-20 accs got banned, and 10-15 acc recovered by the guy selling the accs. The next weekend he asked me to bot air orbs with him. I already had 4 accounts ready to do air orbs, I told him that we could do it together if he could supply for extra accs. So he traded me 35m (I gave him 8m back), it's about 6-8m per air orb bot acc. So I prepared all these accounts and gave them to him with 2m+ on supplies on each account. Then all of a sudden he said to me: "We're going to bot the whole weekend but if we split I want my money back that I invested plus the rest will be split 50-50. What he didn't seem to realise is that I also put money into the 4 accounts that I had of my own. So I said to him: "But I have spent money on these accs too, your 20 isn't all the 8 accounts we have. After that he started argueing, so I was like; "whatever, you can have it but then we're done here." Suddenly he sent me the message: "I'm so close to blocking you and disputing you." I was like; "But I already gave you your full profits and more than my profits, and then you claim that I stopped it and that you're going to dispute me?" During the dispute he changed the details of 5 air orb accounts (unregistered email) and he still has access to them as we speak. I myself, have only access to 3 of the accounts because those had emails registered. https://gyazo.com/03bb3da9626892c397c685dd16133b25 (The 4 accs he's running are the ones I made earlier that day) https://gyazo.com/549bb4588e72fd566247c3af437507dd (He doesn't understand that the accs he's running currently costed me money as well 6-8m) https://gyazo.com/1a20cc629dc79ea6c05a3f2e297f4a77 (I also geared the accs with my money and he doesn't realise that) https://gyazo.com/5184bf40df280e06000a55805a1aecb1 (This is where he had all the accs to bot on and he could have them from me, I didn't feel like getting into all this drama, and he still doesn't seem to understand what I mean) https://gyazo.com/982ed235428137132a45304dfdc1f245 (This is where I try to explain him) https://gyazo.com/f6f25859284004809ec1634b8a2d5786 (This is where he wants to dispute me) And then I got banned and he sent me messages like "stay banned l0l0l0l faggot" and stuff. Taking this evidence into account we have decided to unban him. But he will remain in Trade With Caution.
  2. Seeing as he's currently DNT on Sythe I've went ahead and placed the user is Trade with Caution. Thanks for the report.
  3. Please don't purchase accounts with such a security risk. I've placed @Dark_Mist in Trade with Caution, seeing as the account information was available to both of you two and potentially another, he will just have to refund you the 20M you paid for the account. He has 24 hours to do so or he will be banned.
  4. Mio

    Tesla Exposed

    @Dex u n ur clickbate
  5. Mio

    Adapt :(

    Thanks! Closing this dispute.
  6. Mio

    Adapt :(

    Thanks @Adapt. Can you just confirm for me this is resolved @Tesla?
  7. @aftabdear can you please explain your story more and in full? I'm not fully understanding how this is possible. I don't see how the accounts email could be changed without your knowledge seeing as he'd have to have access to your email you changed it to to be able to get the change link at all. Along with the password being the same the whole time? How would he have access to your passwords? Something seems very flawed and information seems to be missing.
  8. Removed as per dispute decision.
  9. Doxing is stricty against our rules regarding personal information. Both of you should be aware of this. Harassment is also zero tolerance. Do NOT post users Skype names and information publicly, especially with malicious intent as such. @Dirt Devil two wrongs don't make a right, doxing back isn't an appropriate response, it should have been brought to someone higher such as myself or another mod. This is a final warning. @YuhhMauls for doxing and harassment you will be placed in Trade with Caution. This is especially a final warning. Appeal at a later date. *Feedback will be removed from both parties.
  10. I've placed @Dirt Devil in trade with caution and asked him to respond here. @YuhhMauls can you please provide full logs of the skype chat from the beginning without blocking anything.
  11. Thanks for the report, due to him recently being banned offsite for scamming and your report, the user has been banned.
  12. I really like this a lot
  13. None of you guys know the other half of the story and I'd rather we stop pretending that we do. Anyone can scamquit at any time, it's not ones fault other than the scammer. Locking this because of what its turned into.
  14. Mio


    i do too @Mio
  15. This is just a warning to any users that have purchased any accounts off of the user @Jamez, we recommend removing any wealth on the accounts as a precaution in case of any recoveries.
  16. Glad this could be resolved. Dispute closed.
  17. @Kissy have you two came to an agreement?
  18. I've requested @Bogla to respond here.
  19. Please note global OSBot T.O.S. always apply in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderators discretion.
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