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Everything posted by Mio

  1. I've requested @Settlez to reply here.
  2. Seeing as @daweed has provided us with all the level screenshots, I can see he hasn't botted on the account, especially as he pointed out he has no access to mirror mode and used Konduit to level, so that's out the window. Delayed bans can happen, and we can't 100% determine who botted on the account, but with the evidence provided we're not going to force any compensation. Going to be closing this dispute.
  3. Glad this could be resolved. Closing dispute and will be removing TWC.
  4. Thanks for the screenshots. We've come to the conclusion that @Kissy will have to pay you 8.5m for the work done on the account. Seeing as he's decided to view this thread without replying, he has 8 hours to do so or he'll be banned.
  5. Please upload them for us. We'll be able to hide them.
  6. I've placed @Kissy in TWC and asked him to respond here. Seeing as the ban was manual and for "continually changing hands" it's pretty clear it wasn't a ban for botting. You will not be held responsible for the ban. But could you please provide us the level screenshots from OSBuddy?
  7. Doesn't always guarantee an unban and doesn't guarantee you're not gonna be forever-TWC.
  8. Was thinking of going to Voodoo Fest in New Orleans with a friend of mine.
  9. Well seeing as @Lucki probably blew all your money in 20 minutes, lied about the account information and refuses to refund for no reason, he has been banned. Should he wish to return he will have to refund you fully. Sorry for your loss.
  10. I've placed @Lucki in TWC and asked him to respond here.
  11. I've requested @skeetballs to respond here to explain the feedback.
  12. I've placed the user in TWC and asked him to respond here. And please in the future, do NOT buy accounts from users without 100 post count. We do not allow the sale of accounts from users without it on the forums.
  13. I've gone ahead and banned the kid, if he wishes to return he'll have to refund you fully.
  14. I've gone ahead and just banned the user, if he wishes to return he'll have to refund you fully. Sorry for your loss.
  15. I've placed @Container in TWC and asked him to explain himself here.
  16. I've placed @Container in TWC and asked him to respond here as to why he's deciding to clear your bank.
  17. Moved to general help, again. Stop posting these questions in the scripts section, they don't belong there.
  18. Sounds good, glad this could be resolved. Closing.
  19. A ban wave, on accounts, which you botted on. Yeah. I'm not repeating myself any more. You have 24 hours to refund Charlotte.
  20. You got the accounts banned. You're the original owner. By being the original owner you claim that responsibility. You have 24 hours to refund Charlotte.
  21. Seeing as it had only been a day since @Charlotte received the accounts, as seen in the screenshot conversation, you are definitely fully responsible for the accounts especially if it's a large ban wave as such, you're the original owner and she was not even the one to get them banned. Also, you can't expect a user to bother checking 300+ accounts by logging into the website for each within an hour of purchase, that's just absolutely ridiculous. Because of this you will be responsible for refunding @Charlotte 20.5m. You have 24 hours to do so.
  22. I can confirm that most if not all of these accounts are banned, I've gone ahead and checked a few random in the list to be sure. Charlotte has made me aware of these much previously before this dispute was opened. This isn't the first time I've had a user come to me with this exact issue. I've placed @Lewis in TWC and asked him to respond here.
  23. Going over the chat logs, it looks like @Muffins has delivered part of the order on time. Because he has put work into this for you and delivered partially you can't just cancel the order, he will be responsible for a 50% refund of the order. (30m)
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