Stealth injection, and was not using dev build. am now, everything working fine. fantastic script you've got here. only thing I could suggest atm is custom GE buying prices for the quest items, and support for spirit trees and/or fairy rings. Thanks again @Token
Thanks @Token. Was able to do a few quests well, however
Attempted demon slayer and got this error
and then waterfall quest with this error
will edit this post if I run into any more with this error.
Trying to run simple f2p quests on a new acc. so far with sheep shearer and cooks assistant. Just stands at the bank while this keeps repeating in the logger.
I guess i probaly should of asked before i purchased. I just assumed this would work. But does the script not eat regular food and use prayer pots? In other words this script is useless for ironmen. Aka useless overall because you know if your not an ironman u can just buy the best gear and food...
I must say this script is without a doubt good. Not the best catch rate and the ban rate is terrible. But it gets the job done. That being said got lucky on a recent suicide run. osbot client crashed :(. Had 28 hour progress report But all in all got 1-94 before ban