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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Eliot

  1. I think this will work for you. NPC npc = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc.getName().equals(npcName) && npc.getInteracting() == null && !npc.isUnderAttack()); If an NPC is being splashed on #getInteracting will not return null (iirc).
  2. Could possible sell around ~100M for 1.00/m
  3. Make sure you have java 8 installed, it should work properly by default if you do.
  4. Gotcha, sounds interesting but I'd need more info. Feel free to PM details.
  5. Vague, what type of technologies are you using, or does it not matter?
  6. You need brackets if(yew != null && yew.interact("Chop down")) { new ConditionalSleep(5000){ public boolean condition(){ return myPlayer().isAnimating() || !yew.exists(); } }.sleep(); }
  7. Check if inventory is full: if (getInventory().isFull()) ... Deposit all except axe: getBank().depositAllExcept((Filter<Item>) item -> item.getName().contains("axe"));
  8. Mouse keys isn't banned, which can do the same thing as AHK afaik.
  9. Don't think anyone sells for .90, but gl yo.
  10. PMd on chatbox but think you're AFK.
  11. Thanks, helped me discover Optionals!
  12. Eliot


    Love it, lmao!
  13. There are bulk buyers who are paying higher rates atm.
  14. Yes, that's getting close to too hot. What are you doing?
  15. Eliot

    70-82 Magic

    You're willing to manually alch for the equivalent of $0.50 USD per hour?
  16. I'd suggest selling the rsgp via paypal then buying your script.
  17. Damn why are you botting on that account, lol.
  18. That's not a private script, I'm surprised you lasted that long! Protip: Don't bot your main unless you're OK with a ban
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