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Everything posted by Eliot

  1. The client was fixed a long time ago, if there are still issues we should bring them to @Zach's attention.
  2. Interested to see how this will impact botting, if at all. I theorize it will require significant changes to their detection systems. Perhaps a mobile bot will actually prove useful in impacting ban rates. We will see.
  3. Eliot


    Tom is actually a nice guy, voted yes.
  4. Eliot


    Something like getWidgets containing text "free" then parse the string and get the number.
  5. This snippet is straight fire, I like it. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Those are pretty expensive, you might be looking in the wrong place if you want a trailer.
  7. Wow how'd I miss this post, I use these to find signatures to ignore.
  8. Yes, you had a delayed ban on your account. This is very common and results in exactly what you described.
  9. Please don't encourage this (especially for non-trivial scripts). Having a gigantic onLoop would not make this easier to debug, but quite the contrary. The problem in this case is debugging skills and without them, regardless of structure, you will run into these problems.
  10. I'd need to see your onLoop, etc.
  11. open OSBuddy or the runescape client, wait for it to load then launch OSBot mirror mode wait 30-60 seconds for the black screen to turn into the runescape screen
  12. That's odd, not at my PC right now so can't look for myself. Have you used widget debugger at all? Does it work if you remove the && inDreamWidget.isVisible();
  13. Maybe I'm confused but doesn't singleFilter take the root id and filters? Why are you passing singleFilter widgets? Does this work? @Override public boolean canProcess() { RS2Widget inDreamWidget = s.getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Points:"); return inDreamWidget != null && inDreamWidget.isVisible(); }
  14. Eliot

    Sold - Close

    To be fair strength isn't even half way to max.
  15. Not trying to gold farm then you should do it manually.
  16. They've been removed because they were mostly useless.
  17. Nice job! I love seeing new people learning to script.
  18. His rsn got posted on Reddit today, I expect him to be banned soon.
  19. Eliot

    Excellent Agility

    Cool script, happy to see more from you.
  21. Thx Alek, no more excuses for scripts to not exit combat when they need to break.
  22. OSBot uses 400mb without a script running for me and slowly climbs over time to 500, 600, etc. edit: windows 10
  23. I seem to also be encountering these memory leaks.
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