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  1. darb0t


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOING TO GO FOR 7 DAYS CYBER GHOST FREE TRIAL SUICIDE BOT PROGGY BRO!!!!!!! @Tom GL ACC! ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO COMPLETE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. found this on accident i dont see any reason not to share it idk . . but when i start the bot on 1 monitor , and drag it to another monitor , i can do mouse input , while the disable input is still active . just thought i'd share idk .
  3. darb0t

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity my friend wants to get this script , i told him about it ... but he is wondering it it will work on the mac book pro?
  4. Hello @fr0sted thank you! @kazemaru i Appreciate that & thanks! @Runnwith
  5. Hi been using this site sporadically since 2013 . .want to finally introduce myself & formally say hello to the forums . Hi o/ . thanks for this website & all the scripts i appreciate all everyone does.
  6. i see this as fair & just. i mean if you are new to buying scripts and are new here and lack confidence .. just ask a staff & they will refer you to someone .
  7. this sucks luckily i havent experienced this
  8. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    damn thx for the warming. fuck that .
  9. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    would you be interested in making me a script that does 3 specific quests that are not listed?
  10. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    @Token do i have to have skill requirements , i read your post & didnt see anything about it mentioned , although i could have missed it... it is late for me at the moment & i am a bit tired . anyways , can you confirm if i need 2 have quest skill requirements on the account for the bot to work properly? or will the bot level those for me aswell? really wanting to buy this script . . personally it wont be a deal breaker just am curious. get back to me as soon as possible thank you mr. lord of the bots. cheers.
  11. how can i get a refund? i bought this and it barely works lol. it keeps stopping and keeping my character stood still. lame.
  12. TY 4 this used it last night and worked flawlessly & ez setup. although it wasnt drinking my super strengths....
  13. @Eagle Scripts does this support mohagany tables and demon butler together?
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