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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. inb4 lock/hide Said lolmanden/verified/swizz
  2. It filters out the children who can't think for themselves.
  3. Sorry to hear all this mate. My dad's about to die from cancer too. His surgery didn't go well, if he doesn't go into kimo or radiation he has a 10% chance of living, if he does kimo its 40%, if he does kimo + radiation its 60% chance of living. However he'll never talk/eat/drink again, he's a smoker and he's never quit in his life, if he doesn't the cancer will never cease. He will be tied to a drip for the rest of his life IF it succeeds Sucks to be in the situation you're in.
  4. Whoa whoa chill out, we aren't accusing anyone of anything, we're just brainstorming ideas about the system. If that were the case I would just set up a system with my buddy and buy something new every 5 minutes to get him to 100 feedback real quick lol.
  5. Ehh I don't think there should really be a time limit to be honest. From your example, you could say that the user purposefully split up the feedbacks to give him multiple feedbacks, in which that case I wouldn't really agree with it and I would remove it. However, if lets say you sell me a bond for 1.2m or whatever, I leave you feedback, then 10 minutes later I want to buy 20m gold, I should be able to give you a feedback on both if you get what I mean.
  6. Well in the same breath, selling bonds is feedback farming.
  7. Gilgad


    I guess he turned his 2 slot toaster into a 4 slot toaster.
  8. So users don't feel intimidated to report broken scripts/refund requests.
  9. I believe this will not be implemented, thus far. If you feel the need to post another suggestion, feel free to do so ^_^
  10. Glad you are enjoying your stay at OSBot! ^_^
  11. I guess this is not going to be implemented thus far, feel free to post again later and persuade our thoughts.
  12. Will be implementing the no gifting accounts rule today, however the rest stays the same. Archiving.
  13. I support this 100%. Have a tab up the top with FAQ.
  14. This would come under "Real Life".
  15. That's true. Oh well 3 am didn't think of that. bye bye thread.
  16. Cheers babe I'm certain lads will recognise this:
  17. Gilgad

    Timezone Fix.

    Please change mine to +9:30 GMT
  18. Would be pretty nice if Moderators could have some sort of "M" Sign next to their name saying that they are moderators, most people just listen to the gold people nowadays and their false advice Another thing that I think would be nice is to have some sort of a forum clock that everyone can go by. For instance if I see a post and it says posted at 2:20 AM, well I have no idea how long ago that was, so I just post "test" to check the time and see how late I am or how recent the post was, then I just edit. What do you think?
  19. 10/10 Famous for his chatbox unban requests
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