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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. I hope you new DJ's read the requirements. Because I see none of you in there at the moment.
  2. I banned you because you were banned from osbot, but apparently it was a mistake anyway, unbanned, rejoin
  3. ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Demotions today! If you wish to remain a staff member (A rank), you MUST be active in the chat. This does not mean 1 or 2 hours here and there and then leave and not show up for a day. You need to stay in the channel, not necessarily play music, but just simply stay in the channel, doing this will keep your ranks and rights to play music whenever you want. Of course you may leave here and there because you have lives, but you get what I mean. One notable mention: has been promoted to Co-Host as he has never left the chat and is always playing music, advertising, gathering new members! Congrats to him!
  4. I'm sorry you take offence to this, but it will not be changed.
  5. Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want): Done, add DJ_YourOSBot name to your username and put this in your sig (if you want):
  6. No we just banned a lot of multi accs.
  7. M8 9/10 no one wants to listen to screamo. 9/10 no one wants to listen to Justin Beiber. 7/10 No one wants to listen to "Weed fhaskfhskdlfgksdgfj ********a shit skjhadflkajsdhgfljksdagfelwbf ass hfkdlshafkldsahfhakgefa weed KDhklfhjakjlfhsdakjfglke ********a shjfklhadslkfjhsalkfhsdklfk shit toilet salkfdhaslkdfhsdalkfhsdafjkhdasfh the feels sdhaflksehfeliurgeat weed askdlfjhlkasdhfldsjkfdhslfhsdjkafjhasdjklfsad smokin ksdhjflksadhfiuehsafiusajhgjslkad asss ksdhlkfahkjdlfhsdalkfjhsajlkfsa sit on me sdkahfklasjdhfkjlsdhfljask" I hope you get the point lol Music has no meaning ;) It's just vibrations.
  8. Join the server under "Will" To the rest, you have been added as a DJ.
  9. DJ'd Remember to add DJ_Your name! Come join everyone!
  10. DJ'd Remember to add DJ to your OSBot name! TY added to op! Sign in on google account (Gmail)
  11. DJ'd - Remember to add DJ_ to your name and have your OSBot name! DJ'd - Remember to add DJ_ to your name and have your OSBot name! DJ'd - Remember to add DJ_ to your name and have your OSBot name!
  12. http://plug.dj/osbot-music/ Join up here and listen to some music with the lads! Post here for permissions to play music. REMEMBER: If you wish to have a rank, you MUST be active in the channel, if you are not, your rank will be removed! REMEMBER: If you have a rank, you MUST have the Plug DJ Signature in your Signature! RULES: No Screamo No 50 minute troll videos/50 second troll videos, you get it. No Justin Beiber None of this black smoking weed rap that no one understands NO MEH'ING - RANKS WILL SKIP THE SONG No OSBot chat - IE Selling items etc We mainly focus on modern music. If you break the rules - you will be removed from the DJ set. CO - Owners: Managers: @Deffiliate Bouncers: DJ's: @Adept @Cinnamon @DazzleSon @Facefullz @iJodix @Jay Cutler @King Leonidas @ninjahturtle @Sex @Spongebob @Swizzbeat @Will HOW TO JOIN THE SERVER: Click on the link, sign in with google account or facebook etc. Close the browser. Re-open the link. HOW TO ADD A SONG: Credit's to Lightsy! Make a playlist Search for a song and add it to the playlist After you added it, wait in line till it's your turn for your song to play!
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