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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Exactly this. I farmed Abby whips for 2 months, however I always did things in between, like questing, buying stuff, selling stuff, doing an hour of skilling or whatever, then just running the abby demon farmer again. However I went on a 3 day vacation, came back and just as I sat down on my computer, boom temp banned because I was doing the same thing over and over and over again with no changes.
  2. "Girlfriend that looks like roadkill" Lost. My. Shit.
  3. Ok now i've watched it about 7 times......
  4. Today's the day of my resignation. I just have too much crap IRL at the moment and i'm lagging behind the other staff. Dad's been going through cancer for about a month now, parents have been in the middle of their relationship, mid divorce then loving each other etc for like 3 months, I only get 1 day off a week which is saturday and every other day i'm out from 7 am - 8/12 PM. Basically at the moment my dads going through Kimo and Radiation, he has a 60% chance of living and needs to quit smoking, if he doesn't he'll die, he's got mental disabilities already so the family has to rotate between meetings, theres about 20 a week and they're 3 hours long each. So yea, just can't keep up and I don't want to drag down the staff team at the moment, sorry guys. I'll be back around June 5th, my dads treatment will be done and assessments over, i'll be more free.
  5. This is true... But he did slack off recently.
  6. Good work mate. A little rumour I heard was the CPU problem in osbot 2 mainly affects laptop users where as PC users are fine, is this true? (I only have a Laptop and every time I use OSBot 2, My CPU is at literally about 60 or 70% for 1 tab, where as osbot 1, it's at 10%).
  7. Has nothing to do with my staff work, but regardless, I have asked Alek to remove from the SDN like a week or two ago. I'm not gonna lick ass in this thread but I have got many IRL issues at the moment. My life has changed dramatically. First my dad has cancer, he's started Kimotherapy and Radiotherapy on Monday, he has to attend 20 3 hour meetings a week for diet, physical health, mental health (He's mentally disabled as well), Kimo, Radiation, Cancer support etc which the family have to spread out evenly, however I get the bulk of it so I attend about 30 hours of meetings a week. I'm in my final year of school and i've pretty much fucked it and my future, I leave home @ 7:30 am and dont get back till 8-10 PM most nights. I have have drama rehearsals every Tuesday morning at 7 am, thursday until 9 PM and then meeting with dad till 12, then all of Sunday as well. My time is minimal and has been for about 2 or 3 weeks. I attempt to dedicate a block of amount of time on saturday as thats really the only day I'm actually "Free" for a good amount of time, like clearing out the errors and bugs section or something along those lines. Anyhow, feel free to leave feedback like "Be more active" etc, I'm not gonna be mad if you do at all. Though with that being said, the only reason i'm confident with being more inactive is because the other blokes on the staff team are amazing and deserve more credit then they get, they do incredible amounts of work and deserve more praise.
  8. Much aboose. pls riet. gf alt acc.
  9. This is what veteran is for.
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