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Everything posted by MillSup

  1. Thanks! Did the trick! I also want to say, as a completely unbiased party, how unbelievably amazing this bot has been so far! Because I am pretty unfamiliar with coding in general, I was wondering if there was a database of some sorts that has additional information regarding all of the functions the script factory offers. Sometimes I want to achieve something when writing a script and I have a hard time figuring out how to go about it, mainly because I am unsure what most of the functions actually do. I know there's a discord and it's been pretty helpful, but I'd prefer to have a detailed, complete list
  2. My old scripts don't seem to be working anymore
  3. the bot won't load for me on mirror
  4. Hey Czar, could you add the Daeyalt essence as a possible substitute to pure essence? (item ID is 24704)
  5. Hey Czar; there's still a really long delay on mirror when going down the upper level ladder...
  6. No idea, sorry, but the lack of posts by others makes me assume it's only mirror
  7. Script will always leave telekinetic room after about 10 minutes Using Mirror; the logger will just say "INFO][Bot #1][02/20 09:59:10 AM]: Idled In Telekinetic Room - Leaving" in reference to this.
  8. I am on default camera zoom!
  9. I'd love to try this! Could I have a trial?
  10. Hey Czar, I can't get the superglass make function to work, here's the logger [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:31 AM]: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 504 for URL: https://github.com/richftww2/modernlandingpage/raw/master/infoFont.otf at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.access$200(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$9.run(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$9.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at java.net.URL.openStream(Unknown Source) at perfect.scripting.nul.<init>(ig:42) at b.a.nul.onStart(yn:150) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IIiIiiiiIIIi(we:108) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(we:111) at org.osbot.nA.IIiIiiiiIIIi(ds:160) at org.osbot.Xb.iIiIIiiIiiii(sr:129) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:40 AM]: 2 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:40 AM]: Is stopping script when out of runes? false [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:40 AM]: Magic spell book seems to be filtered, turn off spell filtering! Attempting to do it automatically... [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:40 AM]: Chosen : (Giant seaweed) [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:40 AM]: "ss_giant_seaweed" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Magic spell book seems to be filtered, turn off spell filtering! Attempting to do it automatically... [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Bank is being called (superglass make) [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Invo empty, go [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Magic spell book seems to be filtered, turn off spell filtering! Attempting to do it automatically... [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Bank is being called (superglass make) [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:41 AM]: Ran out of items: Giant seaweed. [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:42 AM]: Terminating script Perfect Magic... [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:42 AM]: Ran out of items: Bucket of sand. [WARN][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:47 AM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now... [INFO][Bot #1][01/24 11:10:47 AM]: Script Perfect Magic has exited! On mirror; I am on lunars, no spell filters, I have buckets of sand and giant seaweed in the bank EDIT: working great now for some reason! Thanks! It isn't recognizing the bank chest-wreck on fossil island as a bank, though. Also, when picking up the spare molten glass, it always moves the camera with every pick-up in a completely unnatural way; any chance to remove this camera movement?
  11. I love your scripts, Czar, but this one is an absolute moneygrab; 6$ and no sequence setting?
  12. MillSup


    I second this! script is awesome, would be dope to have it deposit the sandstone
  13. Script is fucking amazing! One note though: when banking; could you make the script prioritize (4) dose potions? Right now it keeps withdrawing my 1-doses first
  14. Works great, running cosmics through abyss; only thing I'd like to ask about is the delay after jumping the wilderness ditch... Any reason for the script to make the account stand there for 2 seconds before moving on?
  15. having real trouble with the tunnel navigation for me [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:45 AM]: DEBUG: CameraYawEvent has timed out [3000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:47 AM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:51 AM]: DEBUG: MoveMouseEvent has timed out [2000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:51 AM]: WARNING: navigate | openDoor failure [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:51 AM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:53 AM]: DEBUG: MoveMouseEvent has timed out [2000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:53 AM]: WARNING: navigate | openDoor failure [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:53 AM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:55 AM]: DEBUG: MoveMouseEvent has timed out [2000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:55 AM]: WARNING: navigate | openDoor failure [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:55 AM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:57 AM]: DEBUG: MoveMouseEvent has timed out [2000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:57 AM]: WARNING: navigate | openDoor failure [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 02:59:57 AM]: DEBUG: Rotating to door
  16. I can't seem to find it in my list
  17. Hey Czar, could you implement karambwans?
  18. Wyrms not working; script keeps trying to attack new wyrms EDIT: got it working; but it's double clicking them now, probably due to the change in sprites. Also, when enabling high-alching, the bot would click high-alch again I'm nitpicking here though, bot is great overall
  19. Been trying the script, holy moly does it look amazing! 2 tiny suggestions though: 1) since rune pouch is an option, would it be possible to include teleport to house -> amulet of glory instead of teletab? Cheaper + would give magic experience + better option for ironmen 2) holding shift allows you to empty the rune pouches; I'd like that to be included as well, as it's far superior and more humanlike Other than that, this thing is a piece of beauty! Great job!
  20. Awesome! you think I could have a trial, Czar?
  21. I can't wait for this script to become public again! Yo Czar if you ever need a private tester I'll be your guy for sure!
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