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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. botted overnight, no issues, thread is a lie
  2. cause fuck jagex thats why
  3. rip post count

  4. [TRUSTED] [VIP] [1 DAY USER] TOS: You Will Go First I have VIP I am trusted. /s
  5. dank memes cant melt steel beams, nor can icebergs tear steel hulls, so if maldesto has 8 letters, 8/2 = 2, and the sq root of 2 is 1.4, 1.4 rounded down is 1, 1+2 = 3, and there are 3 sides on a triangle... Hold on, were going deeper. Triangles were first invented by Jim Trian, Jim also had 3 letters, and 3 is the numbers of times i get kicked from the chatbox daily, so Maldesto = Illuminati? Confrimed.

  6. 20m is a bit high for those stats.. but ill bid 10$ to start you off
  7. Welcome bro! any questions you can find me in the chatbox almost 24/7
  8. would pay about tree-fiddy.
  9. Nice VPS Guy right here for the entire community <------
  10. Muffins

    VPS Help

    I got you, come to the chatbox or add me on skype @muffinrs
  11. Welcome to osbot!
  12. Teamviewer is good, but i prefer google remote desktop, seems to run a lot smoother
  13. Goodluck on exams, hopefully you went to atleast one class
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