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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. Peinis has 6 letters, 6 divided by 2 is 3, 3 is the amount of sides on a triangle. A trianlge represents illuminati, Peinis confirmed illuminati.

  2. better methods out there tbh
  3. L0L No. CS:GO > CoD edit: And the fact you support OpTic makes me want to shoot myself almost.
  4. I got one for you add me on skype @muffinrs!
  5. add me on skype @muffinrs and ill help you out.
  6. 4v Core Runs 1 Mirror Client Bot smoothly, However it can run 2 Mirror Client Bots with a bit of lag. It can run 10-15 Normal client bots [Non-Mirror].
  7. User has been refunded. Also, if anyone wants to try and use the Windows VPS (I believed i have fixed it) , it will be free of charge (has around 24 days left) of use, I just want to test it and make sure that it doesn't get fucked up in the future.
  8. Coordinating with Swindle as we speak as i believed i fixed the problem with an OS re-install. If it does not work/is not fixed, I will refund ASAP.
  9. Was waiting for you to pm me.
  10. I was using Valkyr's Autofighter and it was being buggy (not too sure why, possible SDN issues still I suppose) but starting/ending a script has little to no effect on the FPS, you are also running a mirror client in one of the most heavily botted areas (bf) so yes, you should expect lag, as anyone should. Pming you the new password.
  11. I AFK in the chatbox while I am at school. "After loading runescape through the browser and the mirror mode client, it became evident that this VPS was not as advertised. The game was completely unplayable, I would estimate I was receiving around 3fps. It was to the point where even logging in was difficult. When I finally managed to get a script started, it was running at less than 1/5th of its usual capacity, proving that the issue laid with the VPS and was not a problem my end." Dissatisfied, I requested that Muffins attempt to receive a refund from his VPS supplier. He said that he would try, and wrote a one line email to their support team.. The following day when I spoke to him, I was told that there were no refunds given. As he could not receive a refund from them, he would not refund me (despite the VPS being NOT as advertised, and unable to run a mirror client). In my eyes, he should be responsible for refunding me at that point, as it is not my responsibility nor my problem that his supplier co-operates with him. However, I continued to attempt to reason." Regarding this statement, you basically said "fuck it" when I told you the 2v Core 2GB RAM one was experimental and it would be Laggy (proof can be found in chatbox logs) and you said lets do it, so we did. I then upgraded him to the 4v Core after the 2v Core didn't work. Video of me running 4v Core Mirror client fine (minor fps drops):
  12. 12m bid from trusted (can also pay in paypal if preferred)
  13. Ill try and find one, we should have an osbot fight night teamspeak or raidcall chat and all watch it ^_^
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