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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. Not sure, try deleting all your cookies?
  2. Regardless if it follows the guidelines or not, calling another user, especially a staff member, autistic, is not wanted in our forums/chatbox http://gyazo.com/8ea9e84c7ef06536f4e911d13c06e896
  3. Spamming Post count is not allowed on our forums.

  4. Also Dominic, given your more than explicit history in the chatbox, i wanted to stop something before it even started.
  5. It doesn't matter if anyone had a problem with it at the time, It is still a rude way to refer to someone regardless. I politely asked him to stop at first and he continued. It doesn't matter if anyone had a problem with it at the time, It is still a rude way to refer to someone regardless. I politely asked him to stop at first and he continued.
  6. I told you multiple times to drop anything to do with races or racism. Don't try and make me look like the bad guy. http://gyazo.com/0858d99308a0dcb5b98f5cb880653a56 http://gyazo.com/0019e0497b01145e519db5f1d764a766 http://gyazo.com/ad425325170bcd54382bf5c7b681c516
  7. hmm I wonder how you won so much
  8. I usually just use soundcloud, or go to youtube, find the url, and youtube-mp3.org
  9. There is a possibility you can get chain banned, so watch out.
  10. Sun-Thurs: I go to sleep at 12/1 am and wake up at 6:30am Friday/Saturday: 2/3/4 am and wake up at 12/1pm
  11. Users please wait for a virus scan before downloading, thanks ;)
  12. You will go first, add me on skype to discuss prices, looking for 20-30m \ skype: muffinrs
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