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About TheCoach

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  1. Gave a hand made gift to my dad that holds flags for him while he works (Little marker flags) Got my Oldest son a ps5, and my youngest a motorcycle, all were great.
  2. Request - House Tab GE Teleport in Jewelry Box Report - getting stuck in a loop trying to open door/pray/combat. Would open door, and in the delay try to turn on prayer, those closing the puzzle door puzzle, then was also in combat etc. Logs attached. logs_26_10_2022-18_18_32.txt
  3. Seems to not realize it is already in combat, and keeps clicking on another monster to attack. On a Greater Demons task, happened in the Brimhaven dungeon, and in the Catacombs. I haven't gotten to another task yet. - Also didn't loot anything. Also isn't depositing gear that it takes off. Just gets stuck in a not enough room loop.
  4. Further testing, I get email notifications for rare drops, but no Data Dump Emails.
  5. It wasn't a couple days ago, but it started working again. But notification still not working for me
  6. I can't get the Email Notifications to work. Maybe I am missing something obvious.
  7. Not quite botting, but I've gotten 99 mining just using remouse.
  8. What do you think you did differently?
  9. Script has worked extremely well for me. Thank you.
  10. TheCoach


    I've done at least 10 capes with this script, ZERO issues ever. 45 defense is a requirement, but outside of that, it has always done well for me. Did get a couple of bans, but that happens.
  11. would be crappy range gear (Green/Blue Dhide and rcb) or melee with d scim and melee relic.
  12. Have found it stuck outside the house when using house tab abyss method. Not sure if miss clicking or disconnecting while in the house.
  13. TheCoach


    Any chance a version of this can be made as just am overlay telling us what to do constantly instead of a "Bot"
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