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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well i have some tutorials in my signature
  2. Removed. @OSRS Butlers Please review the feedback rules before you attempt to leave a feedback for someone.
  3. Chris


    http://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing You always cite where you reference text
  4. I have warned him of the dispute. @OSRS Butlers Did you provide this service or was your worker handling this service. Please let us know who was servicing this account.
  5. We do not hand out source code. You will need to create your own script.
  6. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Pushed v1.7 to the SDN please wait for it to be approved. You can see your script version in the status paint panel of the paint! Thanks for being patient ?
  7. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    + @notabot Thanks for reporting this bug. Will be patched in v1.7 Paint marks counter will be patched v1.7 ?
  8. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    it is working for me but I did not do a break. Try using the new client version and see if it still happens after one.
  9. Yes its possible and im working on improvements sometime tomorrow
  10. Chris


    One Piece https://www.viz.com/one-piece
  11. You are at Blast mine chest bank?
  12. I do not do trials. Please do not ask again.
  13. wait for v12.4 I did some edits to the banking as well.
  14. We are looking to support Runelite and OSbuddy. MGI is currently working on it ?
  15. v12.4 Fixed: Looting bag was reported not working. Fixed due to using item id to note the 'unopened bag' now checks string. Should now properly deposit bag at bank Fixed: Worldhop bug at Brutal Dragons Beta modes. Value was triggering unnecessary hopping. Code flaw that has been patched. See LINK if you dont want to wait for SDN update
  16. Working on it now. Looks like an error on my part. Temp fix is selecting "Turn off anti-pk" in the GUI settings. Thanks to @THS for lending me an account.
  17. Chris


    wow u didnt use my link for vouchers, sad!
  18. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html Download and run this file https://johann.loefflmann.net/downloads/jarfix.exe Also make sure you java java jdk 8 installed.
  19. User has been banned. He never acknowledge his warning and then viewed this dispute then left. Sorry for your loss.
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