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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. purchased as a level 3 from lemons old lvl 3 shop. only 1 owner (me)
  2. I could if someone let me borrow an account
  3. Current version: 12.0 | Last Updated 04/27/2021 Want a trial activated? Please leave a message under #request-a-trial in https://discord.gg/CGHsd4a Now supports MULING!!! See CLI Information dropdown! CLI Information: Progress Screenshots: Instructions: Arceuss Spell Mode: Start with the Arceuss Spellbook unlocked. Arceuss Tablet Mode: DEFAULT MODE when you start the script! Ancients Spell Mode: REMOVED until there is interest for it! Can start with Blessed Sickle equipped or in the inventory. Make sure you have the swamp warning disabled Features: Picks Fungi w/ Randomized Tile locations over time. Crash Handler: If a player is in selected tile & farming fungi, it will hop worlds. Restores Health and Run energy using the Clan Wars FFA portal. Three Modes: Arceuss Spell | Arceuss Tablet | Ancients Spell (will add more upon request) Sickle Interaction: (inventory mode or Equipment mode) *See instructions* Fatigue Handler: Certain interactions slow over time. Muling CLI Handler: Allow for muling to a given account name based on a amount condition check. The mule is handled by you and placed at the bots bank location. The bot will check every time it banks if a mule is nearby and satisfies the condition. Then it will trade over the profits and you can send the supplies in the same trade window. (See CLI Information) Requirements:
  4. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Keyboard.html#pressKey-int-
  5. @Lost Panda You have 10 more hours (24 hours total from my last post) to refund @GodChild
  6. Let us ignore the botting and questions about the gear. You sent this to your customer but sent this to your worker: Letting him know that the total price for the above being 63M. You also stated dragonslayer 2 twice implying that it was in that specific one order. This "Simple miss calc" was way off the intended price(Summed using your exact pricing). Your worker even notified you of this after stating he will be adding one quest to the order in the amount of 2.5M 07, making it 63M 07 + 2.5M 07 had you kept it as is. Your failure to review your own pricing and then be confused when confronted does not look good imo. So you were notified.. If he had never questioned it, we wouldn't be here but he expressed his concerns to many service owners and a higher up staff(also including me). Which a decision was made to open this dispute against you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In regards to your second post, The thing is, he was notified of what he was getting and it was calculated properly. "Also the order was 45m and he paid 55 if i finished in under 9 hours. So it acted as a rush or VIP order." stated by your worker. Yet in this order(being disputed about) you failed to do the same simple task? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are too many discrepancies in your replies and I am surprised that @GodChild did not get to voice his evidence in this dispute. Your simple explanations were taken at face value. I will make sure future disputes are handled properly. @Lost Panda I have come to the decision, while also noting the evidence in a private PM with all staff and extra evidence given by your worker against your statements in this dispute, that @GodChild will be refunded his deposit as I feel there was misconduct on how this situation was handled. Failure to comply will result in the appropriate consequences. You will be placed in Trade With Caution in the mean time and I am ignoring the previous decision made in place. Your only reply will be that you have refunded this user.
  7. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    I do not give trials. My script works as intended.
  9. @Lost Panda Was your worker aware that you were discounting prices for specific users? Why do you bring risk by letting the customer bot on the account(s)? According to the evidence your last agreement was 85/15 split. You are essentially making your worker work harder for less pay by providing special discounts and making your deposits non refundable. This is not acceptable.
  10. I have placed @Lost Panda in TWC and notified him of the dispute.
  11. Update v12.5 Added support for open lootingbag. Adjusted looting to account for an open lootingbag. Made changes to Anti-PK listener For which mode?
  12. @Aguero You have 24 hours to refund otherwise you will be banned.
  13. i think so. would have to ask @Patrick to be sure
  14. nvm i just saw the code. It pulls from this url with gson https://storage.googleapis.com/osbuddy-exchange/summary.json and returns the price do keep in mind that prices always fluctuate
  15. the value displayed in the ge interface
  16. Chris


    Question 1) Was all of this talk done on the forums or discord? and if it was discord, was it done on the official OSBot discord? ----- If you are outsourcing orders then yes it would be against the rules. It must be done by YOU(or your worker) if you take the order. You can speak to Maldesto for more information. ----- This is not against the OSBot rules but shows Dbuffed's true character by telling people to harrass another user. Simply block him if this was done through personal discord messages. But let us know if this is a different case (see question 1). ----- Again you don't have to. Simply ignore him and his "pals". ----- Simply review old drama he has been in. This is nothing new and a block has worked nicely for me. Please review everything and provide a response below. I will allow 1 hour for any responses then simply close if there is no proper evidence of harrassment on the forums or official discord OR time runs out.
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