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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. fake news!!! nice try CNN!
  2. You need to have the original runescape client open to the login screen before you launch mirror mode
  3. Maybe need to adjust your resolution settings?
  4. My cousin got me into the game. Whenever I would go over he would be on his desktop playing and showing me around. I ended up creating an account and lost my full black armor a week later. Had to beg my mom for membership but I was noob af
  5. Yes but he has PM'd us both saying thats not the case. Which is why I reopened the dispute and waiting for him to post evidence incase I missed something. We will wait for @mr_big_t to respond again.
  6. We need more evidence please. Do you have screenshots of emssages with support & their site. Plus before and after screenshots of your bank? I've asked @Arcus to respond.
  7. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Place your alching items in the slot where you dont have to move your mouse to cast alch and click on the item https://i.imgur.com/4eS7DhK.gif
  8. Hey I read your edit history. Please see below. The Anti-pk makes the script hop worlds after it re-banks or dies. As for the ban rate it varies per user, each rs account is added to their own unique random seed and it uses that seed to generate random values for delays, wait-times, antiban, etc. The script knows the gear when you first start up the script. it will save the names of all your visible worn equipment. If your bank has the items available, then it will withdraw. If you are missing a key item such as a antifire shield or main weapon, the script should stop. If you have any other questions please let me know.
  9. It should work fine in injection mode
  10. Yes. All script features can be found under the Script Manual ? If you have any other questions let me know!
  11. Update v12.3 Update to how the script tracks profit with a new EarningsTrackerTM Updated the Anti-pk to include (Projectiles targeting player[spells, range, etc]) and If you are (poisoned & have antipoision potions enabled) Other script improvements
  12. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Script Update v1.6 Improvements to Alch mode Reworked the script logic when handling the courses Added Course laps to the paint panel No known bugs at this time.
  13. Please make your own dispute. Keep us updated
  14. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Fixed in script update version 1.6
  15. @John Liu Please create another dispute if you have valid evidence of a scam taking place. Closing this dispute due to lack of evidence.
  16. Please provide the requested format showing the contact profile window + chat history like in my previous comment in the next 24 hours or I will have to close the dispute for lack of evidence. I do want to see if what you claim is valid or not. It does seem a bit weird @309jmk has not responded to this topic.
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