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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    I don't think so but since resizeable is getting popular and being worked on i'll do some improvements and adjustments. I'll reply back when I have implemented this
  2. Script Version 4.0 Replaced old positions with only 3-Spot positions to increase profit per hour! Please allow 24 hours for the updates to push to the SDN!
  3. My ID: 209837832230010881 NEON: 489276831229411348 SEVANT: 370346113338703872 https://i.imgur.com/cG5xc8m.gif
  4. it also walked back to bank and regeared with whatever it had. Note poor gp/hr due to cannons in every world in west dragons mode.
  5. West Burning Amulet/Glory mode is working fine for me? Are you still having issues? I am in fixed mode injection mode.
  6. 1) Noted 2) should already do this but ill double check. Maybe someone beat you to the dragon first? 3) Noted 4) Noted 5) Will add law runes 6) idk about this cause you wont always get away. right now it will run to the ditch and then bank 7) mirror mode has its own reaction speed u can reduce i think its F4 or something
  7. Try running it in fixed mode
  8. User has been banned. Sorry for your loss.
  9. Will add it to my list of things to do
  10. Unlucky . Had to be flagged already to be banned in that short time span.
  11. I assume you are using Open looting bag? Because the d bones are off ? I'll be looking into making some changes soon. I just started up school again
  12. Removed your offsite link + your offsite feedback statement. Please only use OSBot feedback on this forum.
  13. hmm..looks like I have to do some testing. It should be working fine as nothing really has changed.
  14. Do you have death walking enabled in the GUI? What is your death spawn location?
  15. yes it will loot a new bag and keep going!
  16. What mode were you doing? Do you know where it was when the status said none?
  17. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    If you lend me a account that can access it I can add it ?
  18. Dispute resolved. @Dbuffed return the gold.
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