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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. he sounds artistic! so much sound! so much art!
  2. FTFY: "I took the risk on my account and now I am banned."
  3. 3hrs for a sponsor. 6hrs regular
  4. im off to bed but if u need help I can help you when i wake up xD (8hrs)
  5. use that tutorial. it works on debian 8 on that site. follow the tutorial and it will have osbot downloaded. and bot ready!
  6. nice artism! post has lots of art! nice picture! wow!
  7. good luck with your services!
  8. tithe minigame in Zeah farming minigame
  9. getInventory.getItem("Gold bar").interact("Use"); RS2Object obj = getObjects().closest("Furnace"); if obj != null obj.interact("Use");
  10. is the jar supposed to say .123 or just stay as .122? I'll test the jar i downlaoded though
  11. Use Works for me add your own spells to autocast.
  12. Update @Alek Compiled in .122 & script ran in .122 Interaction fails when it is a GroundItem using .interact("Take");. Issue: it will simply hover over the GroundItem Confirmed working in .121! Code: private Predicate<GroundItem> suitableLoot = g -> Constants.lootList.contains(g.getName()) && context.getMap().realDistance(g) <= 8; final Optional<GroundItem> lootable = context.getGroundItemStream().filter(suitableLoot).findAny(); if (lootable.isPresent()){ if (lootable.get().interact("Take")){ //stuff } }
  13. I can sell you a voucher 1.25M/1$ Osbot credit
  14. InteractionEvent Test captures #1 http://i.imgur.com/gbmWnFt.gif #2 http://i.imgur.com/1PBTzfI.gif Code: //if not in combat NPC dude = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc != null && npc.hasAction("Attack")); InteractionEvent event = new InteractionEvent(dude, "Attack"); execute(event);
  15. @Alek Can confirm all obstacles added are working.
  16. Form of Contact: Osbot Chatbox Osbot Private Message Discord: Christopher#2820 Skype: live:41269403f7a4d044 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account Regular: <100 = 100k ea, 101-499= 90k ea, 500+ 75k ea 7. The methods of payment you are accepting RSGP 07 8. Your trading conditions you will go first you must leave feedback once it is sold I am not responsible. accounts will be replaced if locked/banned if reported (< 50 accs: 1 hour | 50+ accs: 5hours) after sale. 10. Original Email Address (See below for more details)
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