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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    [Req] Fire Cape

    links dead. ask him to do it then
  2. Neato stuff If I had more knowledge of PHP & SQL. I could tots partner up
  3. Chris


    Still available?
  4. String name = trader.replace(' ', '\u00A0'); Player player = getPlayers().closest(name); if player != null log(player.getname) player.interact("Trade with");
  5. Thanks for the feedback I will work on these issues soon. I am re-doing my Anti PK atm. Removing hop methods that are in antipk and updating the manual on the main page.
  6. :thinking: something fishy innit
  7. its all good bro
  8. Cool. Still scammed and make sure you off yourself after you leave
  9. decode refunding randos again you scammed good bye
  10. Yes I am still working on that location at the moment. Had to fix some safespotting issues and expanded the area. should be better in the next update.
  11. 2 reasons it could be hopping which I will probably just remove v7.84. A player matching my filter was present (skulled || inCombatRange || hasCertainGear) and so on. At the bank and had last been 'attacked' or 'seen' a player matching the same filter above. I will probably only let it hop when it dies. Since this is causing to many issues. I recently pushed out v7.83 addressing other issues with potions and the like that was mentioned before. I will add a bonus feature for burning amulet if you will like that. Simply starting the script with it while the west mode is active will trigger it. I should already swap for charged glories, and I will fix run enabling even though it should already be available. If you still are not satisfied simply post in refunds section for a refund. Have a nice day, -Chris
  12. Chris

    called it

    same apparently the peanut is refunding? i hope these mods dont allow him back @Mods @Maldesto @Jordan @Decode
  13. I'll be taking a look. I'll have this sorted asap.
  14. OO: Chris Email is set. Stats Has Ava's accumulator.
  15. it does loot visage and you can buy a voucher for BTC from @RoomScape to purchase the script
  16. what settings are u doing if safespotting start at the safespot
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