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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. PC is a very powerful yet beautiful thing It is a double edged sword; Either your friend or your enemy pc
  2. and @Saiyan @@Maldesto He looks very beautiful man and he seems to be in a perfect state! I can see where he got the good looks from ;) Congratulations to you and your wife and may you as a family have many great years together. May many bounties shower upon your family bro, take care we await for your return after the paternity and settling in.
  3. and now up until your 1000th chest the sahara desert's sand will be more moist and wet than you xd ggwp guaranteed urself torag warhammer chests but nice tho haha
  4. I could say the same for you, jerk
  5. Good job man I rememeber once I got the skills for barrows and I begged @FrostBug to give me a trial so he gave me a 24h trial shit happened lol so i couldn't use it until there was like what 2h left on the trial so I did barrows for 2h and in that 2h under 10 chests I got a guth spear and back then it was 10mil so with that 10 mil i bought 1 month auth FrostBug cri's everytime now xd
  6. I dont need anyone to care about my posts because I know deep down you care about them
  7. Good job man this will be useful for those who have terrible *pc* cough mac like me
  8. I blame dex for being a noob he spelt it plow instead of plough and plow means to make with girls
  9. o, damn man that sucks having that But I respect you since you're here today and you're probably one of the best GFX artists I have ever met Dex @Slyther, I think it looks really cool man i'm not a GFX artist so I can't give much constructive feedback but yeah as some has stated above the green reflection is a bit too strong on his face but then again idk it kinda suits him Good work pal
  10. I hope they wipe the floor with france to make england look like they're not bad at all go go go
  11. enjoy pact and the fellow nubs who are considering to buy this script. It is flawless, it is amazing and perfect! Words cannot describe this beauty of a script Pact is love, pact is life ;)
  12. I know but i'm just saying not all people think that way if he wins or conversely loses lol
  13. m8 u kno that only the :Salty: plebs think like that lol. At the end of the day he's still a man and he has done his bit xd it's not like any of us would have done any better tbh so hat's off to all the sportmen/women who are from the UK :P
  14. ye ur right but at the end of the day he gets recognised nationally by the whole of the uk not just scotland
  15. Good luck man May you, your wife and son have it easy on ya
  16. Thank you for this godly contribution bro!
  17. Ok so today I will explain Proxies and their usages and instances where you should or should not use them I will put this long debated question "Should I use proxies or not?" Please do note before we begin that this is not the (the logic behind proxies) i.e what they specifically do (basically no specialist terms will be mentioned) Ok, so what are proxies? I'm not a genius and I don't use proxies much but what they do in terms of osrs botting is that they send and receive data from osrs on a different IP to that of your base IP which is the one which'll be used by your router. This means that connections etc will be different and hopefully Jagex will not detect that you're running lots of accounts as obviously your base router IP will be different to the proxy. This definition may not be fully correct but hopefully it is some what true; if not please do post in this thread to correct me! Ok so now that we got the definition done and dusted with, let's now address when to use proxies Proxies are mainly and should be used by Goldfarmers. This is because a gold farmer will obviously have many accounts. Not one account, not two, not three, not four, not 5, but I would say at least 5 or more minimum including a mule. Why do gold farmers use proxies? Well, a gold farmer obviously bots and whatever he bots he needs to shift the gold to a mule and a gold farmer may have a main account that is valuable so he'll obviously buy proxies as the purpose of a proxy is to reduce chain bans therefore, a gold farmer will use proxies as if one of his farming accounts got banned, he will not want his other farming accounts to get chain banned as a result. Secondly in addition to this, if (s)he uses a mule they will obviously store their daily/hourly loots on that mule and transfer to their main. Therefore, they may use a special proxy just for the mule as if they did not and used a base IP from their router with no proxies or they used the same proxies of their bots and mule account, they risk themselves a ban on that mule and that would be very frustrating lol. I can safely say that none of us a mass scale botters or gold farmers and maybe only users like @jackshow @Pain are large gold farmers. However, this does not mean that you should not use a proxy! There is nothing wrong with it at the end of the day as ultimately it's a preference and if you have the money go for it :p None of us have the right to tell us what you should do or you shouldn't do because it's your account(s) and it's your choice who are we to say do that and make sure you do not do that ;) So when you should use proxies: If you're intent on having a large scale botting farm (Greater than an X amount of accounts) I would say atleast 4-5+ If you're going to use a mule to store your loots or an account which you store gold or items and sell them off so an (rwter). If you think you're IP flagged (will address this below) If you have a main account that you do not want to risk therefore you want to use it on your base router IP but use other accounts you don't care about on the proxy ip's IP Flags: Ok so this is a big topic which is debated everyday by everyone. Some say it's a load of conversely, others say it's true and it does exist. I'm not here to alienate anyone and choose a side however, if you do want to know what I think I will tell you that I agree and disagree. So basically to elaborate, I think yes they do IP Flag but not always as I personally think that they only flag mass scale botters/goldfarmers or big industrial rwters. This is because if Jagex were to IP Flag all the botters (yes we all bot and get banned more than once,twice,thrice) It'd be tedious and very hard to manage and I dont think it'd be efficient at all on their behalf. Therefore, it's probably just some fear mongering by Mod Weath and the crew so we should just assume that unless your name is @jackshow or @Pain Don't worry I will add more to this topic but for now please do comment and correct me if I have made any mistakes! Hopefully this resolves any proxy doubt in the community. Please do note that i'm not trying to stop you from buying proxies because I do think they're good and effective but what I do not believe is that people think they will not get banned if they use them as proxies only stop chain bans and nothing else Take care and as always bot safe!!! -Saiyan
  18. The name United Kingdom refers to the union of what were once four separate countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland (though most of Ireland is now independent). You do know I was saying Team UK because of Ireland/England/Wales :P maybe cus scottland wasnt in the euros eh :salty:
  19. Wales will win and this is coming from a salty england fan #TeamUK
  20. or maybe I will cause --> Solution with my hax
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