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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. back from the ded eh?

    1. Orange


      ;) i live i die i live again

  2. Yeah i would buy good parts and if you really cant build it or you're scared to just take it to a shop and watch them build it so they dont try any smart shit lol
  3. Could you show any past work or a portofolio perhaps?
  4. ? Don't know what i've done to you to deserve this, but ok lol w/e releases dopamine in ur brain bro
  5. I know you might not like me from our past but if it's not too much to ask can I ask for forgiveness?
  6. dis guy lmao inb4 post count gets reset *cough*
  7. arguing doesn't solve anything. If anything, it creates more enmity lol, so pls just ignore each other and stop
  8. 300m+ cause max main and qp etc but you need 100 post count to sell accs at OSBot
  9. Saiyan


    a fantasy cant blame me fren
  10. dont take it personel xd hehe roodi hehe hi :)

    1. Rudie


      im not takeing anythong npersonel xd

    2. Saiyan


      hehe ok roodi hehe xd

    3. Rudie
  11. Saiyan


    p.s Morgana is hot af i legit watched the show only 4 her
  12. hi im 18 and i am a gurl pls add me 2 ur collezione

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rudie


      thats saiyan scotty hehe xd

    3. Saiyan


      Hehe xd Scotty it's me u virgin hehe don't take it personnel xd hehe

    4. Rudie
  13. who are u wanting to kill
  14. Good bye man, hope u dont leave for good and u visit oftenly
  15. I may be stupid for saying this but what benefit do you get out of using Area edgeBank = Banks.EDGEVILLE; cant you just set the event area as Banks.EDGEVILLE; without storing it? also after setting the conditions i do execute(eventName);
  16. Saiyan

    OSBot 2.4.76

    ayy free vip extend
  17. Beautiful stuff amigo Saiyan was the reason behind this *actually Christopher was but let me take some of the glory pls
  18. interesting indeed. @OP it wouldn't really be fair because it would act as a deterrent to the real legit people who actually want to start a business or something to that accord as they'd come to understand that OSBot restricts people as they cannot control the scammers and their exponential increase. However, maybe I think the restriction should be less severe i.e limit the amount of posts per day in sections or even disallow them to post in a thread which is old (i.e do not allow them to grave dig as I noticed quite a few people grave digging). Secondly, maybe another potential method of restriction would be to I don't know have moderators scan the spam section every 6h or something and see which user posts the most (today) on that section and check the authenticity of the posts because they may possibly be legit genuine posts and not just stuff like ' ' ' ' or even ' lol' If they are non-important posts which are deemed to be just for PC they should be removed I would be fine to scan the spam sections (method 2) but sadly I am not a mod (Saiyan 4 mod)
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